
"Ah! get me the towel, take him out."

"Guest, calm down, nothing will happen to your partner. This is one of the easiest games in the whole section B," the staff reassured the person pacing looking anxious.

"Umm, but what can I do this heart love him the most and is worried about him, hope you can understand," Looking helpless the man responds.

"Argh!," The staff man felt suffocated, they couldn't help but curse their decision to work in the partner sport, despite being single and alone. They shouldn't have been tempted by the money if they knew they had to suffer a huge blow every time a couple comes to play, they would've thought a hundred times before taking the job.

"Umm, guests don't need to worry, I understand," they gritted their teeth and nodded.

( the reason I use they were because nowadays, people don't like to identify them as he/ she and individualize themselves instead like to use they/ them.)