Adrian bitterly smiles. From a rational point of view, he knew Lucas's decision was right at that time, but that doesn't mean emotionally, he could accept it. 

"Don't cry. It pains me," Adrian gently rubbed Lucas's head and back as he try to console him.

Lucas sniffled a bit. He obediently let Adrian wipe off the tears running on his cheeks. He looked pitiful and lovable. Whoever sees him in this state wants to beat the shit out of the culprit. His eyes were slightly swollen from crying.

"But Lucas tell me the truth, Does that mean when there is Evans family fortune and my life, you will choose Evans, family, over me," despite seeing Lucas cry bitterly, Adrian still asked. He knew this question is unfair and in a way, he is being mean to ask this question but for Lucas to understand what he did was wrong, it was necessary.