"Brother, don't misunderstand mother and Aunt, they didn't want to come, it was me who wanted to come and meet my future brother-in-law," Luna comes forward to save her mother and aunt.

It was indeed her and Amelia, who insisted to go after their brothers.

"Umm, brother Lucas, It was us who threw tantrums and have aunts follow you guys. Don't blame aunts. We are the real culprits," looking guilty and genuinely sorry, Amelia also comes forward to share the burdens of her best friend.

"We are sorry," bowing their heads, Luna and Amelia apologised at the same time.

They look pitiful and guilty. Anyone who looked at them would feel bad for them. 

However, that didn't include Adrian who was irritated by their sudden intrude, "You should be. Today, you two become the third wheels in our date, mark my words, In the future, don't blame me if I do the same to you cause I will make you regret this day."