POSITION (Mature content)

##This chapter is dedicated to Raven_Fly for being one of the top fans in the last month.

Every twist and lick of his tongue and teeth makes him a little scared as well as excited. Adrian plunged his whole being inside Lucas's little bold mouth. It was as if he was pouring all his emotions from the yearning he had felt unconsciously to the fear of rejection he had felt when he remember his beloved, all of it was poured inside Lucas from this one kiss.

Lucas felt it, felt it deep into his soul. His whole being felt loved.

He felt Adrian's urgency, fear ad most of all his yearning and love. Lucas felt like crying. A drop of tear slid from the corner of his eyes. The hands that were stubborn and tightly balled into the fist only open themselves and slowly embrace Adrian.

Adrian's body trembled under Lucas's touch.

He slowly parted from Lucas's luscious and delicious mouth, ending the kiss. He was reluctant but he still did.
