Chapter 5 - Falnas!

Chapter 5 - Falnas!

"I'll go up first." Rimuru raised his hand and got up from the couch to the bed Hestia was on.

"Alright! And, what's your name, by the way?"

"Rimuru. Rimuru Tempest, and before you ask, I'm a guy."


Hestia had her jaw on the ground as she rushed towards Rimuru and inspected every crook and cranny of his body.

"How could such a cute and feminine guy exist; This is illegal!"

Hestia went on a tangent for a few minutes before moving on from it. The group chat members had a fair share of trauma when they found out about Rimuru's gender as well...

"Alright, let's see your Falna, Rimuru-chan."

Hestia held the piece of paper in her hand with wide eyes. I could see tears forming at the corners of her eyes from sheer happiness.

Name: Rimuru Tempest

Race: Human

Level: 1

STR - I0

END - I0

DEX - I0

AGI - I0

MAG - I0


Great Sage: A library of wisdom and knowledge, enabling a person to reach greater boundaries.

Black Thunder: This allows the ability to manipulate black lightning.

High-Temperature Resistance: High tolerance of extreme temperatures.

Predator: Allows the absorption of anything, the analysis of anything, and the ability to store anything within oneself, with limitations.

It seems Rimuru nerfed himself quite a lot, but it clearly wasn't enough since it still looked very OP to me. Hestia hugged Rimuru for quite a while before asking for the next one.

Me, Shiro and Sora were contemplating over who should go first. Sora suggested a game of Rock-Paper-Scissors.

Sora and Shiro had menacing smiles. I could feel sparks and heat from the mental battle of the two, trying out various tactics to trick each other.

The game resulted in me losing, followed by Sora. Shiro went up to Hestia to get her Falna.

"Shiro. Blank."

Hestia gave Shiro a head pat before laying her down on the bed. When Hestia finished Shiro's Falna, she was shocked again! Not as much as Rimuru's Falna, but still shocking either way.

Name: Shiro Nai

Race: Human

Level: 1

STR - I0

END - I0

DEX - I0

AGI - I0

MAG - I0


Eidetic Memory: The ability to remember anything, including senses.

Prodigy Intellect: The ability to strategize, comprehend, analyse and calculate information at an extremely high level and an extremely fast rate.

Expert Marksmanship: Highly skilled at shooting accurately.

Inseparable Sibling Bond: Extreme affection to Sora Nai, making both incapacitated once they are separated. When together, they think like one, and it increases their strength.

Hestia was visually happy with Rimuru and Shiro having skill. I was quite surprised to see that Sora's and Shiro's bond was strong enough to form a skill.

Next up was Sora.

Name: Sora Nai

Race: Human

Level: 1

STR - I0

END - I0

DEX - I0

AGI - I0

MAG - I0


Eidetic Memory: The ability to remember anything, including senses.

Genius Intellect: The ability to strategize, comprehend, analyse and calculate information at a high level and a very fast rate.

Eloquence of Speech: The ability to draw out a large amount of Charisma; motivate, manipulate and control people through words alone.

Inseparable Sibling Bond: Extreme affection to Sora Nai, making both incapacitated once they are separated. When together, they think like one, and it increases their strength.

Hestia was once again shocked to see more skills! Sora's Falna was similar to Shiro's Falna, with the only changes being intellect level and the skill Eloquence of Speech.

Hestia turned to me, filled with expectation in her eyes, making me feel a whole lot more nervous. I was quite on edge after slapping myself from the cringy way I talked to Ishigami, combined with travelling to another world. The result is me being a trainwreck internally.

I almost activated my secret technique, but I quickly snapped out of it and jumped onto the bed, covering my face with the pillow.

Once I felt my Falna completed, I looked back to see a surprised Hestia, as expected. I looked over my Falna.

Name: Aiko Yamato

Race: Human

Level: 1

STR - I0

END - I0

DEX - I0

AGI - I0

MAG - I0


Piercing Gaze: Activates when threatened; this gaze intimidates and scares off enemies with a weak will.

Power Experience: Can increase the rate of learning, gaining experience, and more for a temporary amount of time, with a cooldown.

Blessed Luck: Have very high luck.

"Amazing! To think all four of you have skills!" Hestia hopped around the room with joy. Using Hestia jumping to their advantage, Sora and Shiro quickly took a peek underneath without Hestia noticing,

"As expected. Pure white."


Sora and Shiro nodded wisely at the joyful Hestia whilst Rimuru looked at them with a sagely gaze of approval. Why is everyone here a pervert? Not that I'm complaining.

I took a peek underneath as well. It was pure white indeed.


POV Hestia

I just got 4 new Familia members!

I'm happy that I've gained more children after so much effort. Bell's workload should finally lighten now with more members. I can't bear to see him overwork himself again.

The 4 new children consisted of a very pretty/cute boy, a nice pair of siblings, and a socially awkward girl. They were in the same situation as Bell when I first took him in, so I welcomed them immediately.

I was surprised and happy to see that all 4 had quite a few skills. Ahh~, I wonder what Bell-kun will look like as the Familia captain in the future, with a super serious gaze and everything…


POV ???

"Hestia... you keep attracting the most interesting people."

A certain white-haired beauty giggled with a hint of lust.

"One pure soul, and four souls that I cannot see through... as if protected by something. I wonder what kind of secrets they are hiding."

The white-haired beauty took a sip of wine from a glass nearby.

"I want to see their talent... I have a feeling they will grow into something excellent in the future."

A dangerous glint could be seen in the white-haired beauty's eyes as she maniacally giggled. Meanwhile, a certain group of four felt a chill down their spines and sneezed.