Unsaddling Presence...

The duo sits in silence for half an hour, contemplating the situation until Louse slowly stands with a sigh, "Let's go."


"Go? Where?" Michael asks while suspecting that she'd try to deliver him to his would-be executioners.

She shoots him an indignant glare in response, "The stables." she says while packing a small bag with bits and pieces around the room.

"The stables? Why?" Michael presses, unsure of Louise's intentions. As far as he knew, she was still incredibly angry with him, and would probably do something drastic.

"Stop arguing with me, familiar. We are in this situation because you wouldn't do as you were told!... We need to get you to the stables quickly, so you can leave before anyone tries to stop you." she states, causing Michael to pause in the doorway.

"You want to help me escape? Wouldn't that make your situation worse?" he asks... Michael was honestly taken aback by Louise' actions, never having thought she'd do something like that for him so soon after he arrived... He thought they'd have to spend more time getting closer for her to actually care about him... But perhaps he was just mistaken?

Louise scowls, "You are my familiar... What kind of master would I be if I did not assure your safety?... And, it would be better for both of us if you left." she states, continuing to walk down the hallway.

Michael watched as Louise tried to be stealthy as she checked each corner, making sure their path was clear before moving on... Due to most of the students being left in the Vestori Square, most would either be in their classes, or, if they were cancelled due to obvious reasons, the banquet hall.

"Do you seriously think I could outrun mages? Especially if they're riding dragons?" Michael apprehensively asks as he watches his master's rather bad attempt at moving stealthily.

Louise snaps her head towards him with an aggrieved look, "What other option is there!? Do you want to be executed!? Because I can do that myself! No need for the Gramont family to even say a word!" she exclaims, prodding him in the chest with her wand. "If you stay, you will be executed! Do you understand!? With the state you left Guiche de Gramont, he will either die soon, or become a fool for the rest of his life!"

Michael frowns with frustration, knowing that it was his stupid actions that'd led to this... As much as he hated to admit it, he was actually starting to like Louise, especially with her willingness to put herself at risk for him... Not to mention the fact that the Plot would irrevocably be changed. Without Gandalfr at Louise' side, she'd have died many, many times during the story... There was even a risk of her being brainwashed and enslaved to become that asshole Wardes' wife.

"But what about you!? They'd know that you let me leave, you led me away from the Square in front of everyone!" he retorts.

Louise shakes her head, "Not if we make it look like you took me hostage... I'll have you strike me near the stables, letting me reduce the severity of my own punishments... But... You will be considered a criminal afterwards... You should head to Germania as soon as you can... As brutish as they come off, they are more lenient towards foreigners than the other nearby countries. And they are unlikely to allow Tristain to forcibly extract you from their territory... Their nobility is also not tied up with the crown, allowing even peasants to rise up if they hold enough wealth." she quickly explains.

Ah, so she's just in damage control then? He mentally remarks before shaking such thoughts from his head.

Michael furrows his brows as his initial plans of having Louise use her Void magic to help him return home slowly seem to become more implausible. "And then what? I'll hide in Germania and we'll never see each other again? Did you forget that you summoned me? I have a home somewhere else, and it definitely isn't Germania!"

Louise growls and kicks him in the knee, causing him to flinch and step backwards in response, "Stop being stupid! This is the only option! Even if we never meet again, at least you'll still be alive!... I'm done arguing! Shut up and follow me, or else!" she says as she begins quickly moving through the academy, using less frequently trodden paths to avoid running into anyone.

Eventually, the duo manages to reach the courtyard, which seems relatively empty aside from a few maids and servants walking around...

Louise quickly reaches into the bag she'd prepared and hands him an ornate-looking knife, afterwards, throwing the bag around his neck. "Lead me to the stables... And look convincing!" she commands, flinching slightly as he lays an unsure hand on her shoulder.

He pushes her forwards, quickly leading her towards the stables at the front of the academy's entrance as a few maids notice them and run off after noticing the knife.

They quickly reach the stables, where Louise subtly gestures towards an already prepared horse, fitted with a saddle, bridle, and reins... Unfortunately, it's only now that Michael realises a problem... He didn't know how to ride a horse...

"Hey you! Stop!" a voice shouts from behind them, causing Michael to move regardless of his apprehensions. He turns and after a moment of indecision. Punches Louise straight in her cheek, doing so hard enough that a bruise would hopefully form... That should be enough evidence of her unwillingness to aid him... He forces himself to look away from her crumbling form as he sprints to the horse.

He manages to get a foothold in the stirrup, but the abrupt movement from the horse's blind spot causes it to rear up in a panic. As a result, Michael is unable to get his foot in the other stirrup. This isn't a problem at first, but as the horse begins to charge away from the stable, he's unceremoniously thrown from the saddle.