Snarky Fish

Michael was surprised by how useful most of Riki's abilities actually were, compared to Slark who had two almost useless and highly situational abilities(Pounce and Slithereen Strokes), all of Riki's kit was usable.

For Dagger specialization, while Michael was more interested in improving his swordsmanship, he knew there were going to be situations where daggers were the preferred option. Plus, now that he had Slark to potentially teach him, and eventually Riki, he could have them both tutor him in the best way to actually use daggers. He'd consider both masters at using Daggers, so it really was a win-win.

Smokescreen would be incredibly powerful, especially in this world where mages were his main threat... A single smokescreen and he'd render powerful opponents almost useless without their magic, something he was looking forward to testing soon enough. He wasn't sure how long or large the actual smoke cloud would be, but hopefully it'd be similar to its game version.

Blinkstrike was the first skill he'd levelled from Riki's Spirit, mainly due to how manoeuvrable it would make him. A single blink would allow him to kill almost any unprepared opponent, mage or not. The only annoying thing about it was that it had to have a valid target to use it... No blinking around like Antimage or Queen of Pain...

Tricks of the Trade was a strange ability, in the game he mostly used the ability to dodge enemy spells or large groups of enemies when combined with a Battlefury(Axe that allows you to Cleave many units at once in-game). He wasn't sure how useful it'd be outside the game, but he was still looking forward to using it.

Last and certainly not least, Cloak and Dagger, the main reason he'd picked Riki in the first place. This ability was simply broken in the game, but it seems that there were a few limitations on it compared to its game version. "Can't go invisible while being observed?", this meant that to use the invisibility component of the ability he'd need to try hit and run tactics, not all that hard with Slark's abilities, but still a bit of a downer.

Of course, he was right about Slark's abilities combo'ing with Riki's. Cloak and Dagger would make Shadow Dance almost always active when in use. Plus, Essence Shift stole Agility, which would be used as bonus damage when attacking enemies flanks. Truly, once he maxed out Riki, he'd become a ridiculously effective assassin.

When finally done considering Riki and his future options he decides to see about speaking to Slark, but before that, he focuses on Riki's portrait in the book. The man himself was depicted laying atop a pile of gold coins in a room barely illuminated from the moonlight streaming in through the single window.

Riki himself looked just as weird as Shadow Shaman and Slark, though, he wasn't as unappealing. Michael couldn't really nail what race he was, but he was either a Satyr, a Tiefling, or something in between. Either way, he had dark blue skin with large twisting horns growing out of his head, his even darker blue hair peaked past them and he had a weird beard that trailed along the bottom of his jaw, never marring his actual face.

Riki was small, perhaps even shorter than Michael, which was a surprise to say the least. His eyes were an almost whitish-blue, and seemed to glow in the darkness, making it obvious if he was looking at you or not. His clothing was something you'd see on a regular commoner, so nothing special aside from the two large two-pronged daggers that rested on his hips.

He goat hooves, three fingers, and a large furry tail that swayed behind him, all of these attributes only making it harder to figure out just what Riki actually was. He looked like a demon, but Michael knew that the demons in Dota were far more terrifying than Riki... He was definitely not looking forward to eventually meeting one.

After taking one last look at Riki, he closes the book and stands, inadvertently catching the attention of Tiffania who was noise-deep in her book at this point.

"Is there something wrong?"

Michael shakes his head, "No, I just gotta do something deeper in the cave, keep an ear out in case the Dragon Knights come to pay us a visit." he says as he walks away, Tiffania nodding at his words, "Will do!"

Once out of earshot of Tiffania, he opens the Book of Commoners and turns to Slark's page, watching as the picture begins animating itself again. Yeah, Slark looked even more disgusting than before, with drool and other fluids leaking from him at random. He was standing on a dark beach with the ocean battering it behind him, but was now looking around in confusion.

"Wah, what happened?" the fish asks in a harsh, gravelly voice that grates on Michael's ears. "Last I remember I was tryin'a get me some of that Slithice... Ah, right. She stabbed me!?" he exclaims, but isn't looking as shocked as he makes out.

"Yo. Slark?" Michael asks, causing the fishman to jolt awake and look up, his jaw opening wide as he gapes at the peculiar sight of Michaels face in the sky.

"What the fuck...? Naw, I must be dreaming, I am NOT seeing a giant brats face in the sky... No, nope! NO!" he mutters, looking ready to flee into the sea.

"Hold on there you moist prick! I need to talk with you!" Michael growls, causing Slark to crook one of his unblinking eyes at him.

He draws his curved dagger and points it at Michael, which would look funny from Slark's perspective... "And who are you to tell ME what to do!? I have half a mind to climb a mountain just to shiv that stupid face of yours!" he angrily retorts, his visage looking far more intimidating than Michael had actually expected.