Another info-dump x1

Michael looks at the first name on the list and can't help but grin.

Anti-Mage, a former monk whose abilities all revolve around defeating mages, hence his name. This guy was top of the list for Michae, both due to how effective such abilities would be in his current situation, and also because of the potential knowledge the man might hold. He'd undoubtedly know many martial disciplines, though, whether or not he'd be willing to teach them was another matter entirely.

His abilities were all very powerful too! Blink, a more powerful and flexible version of Riki's Blink Strike which didn't require a target to cast. Mana Break, a passive ability that allows Anti-Mage's weapons to burn an enemy's mana with each attack, which would cripple most spell casters to suddenly have their mana drained. Counterspell, an ability that both passively provides magic resistance as well as an active ability to 'counter' any spell targeting him. And finally, Mana Void, Anti-Mage's ultimate ability which would stun and deal damage to a mage and everything near them based on how much mana they were missing.

In the game as Anti-Mage, you'd Blink in, use Manta Style to spawn illusions before attacking the target with Mana Break, which also happens to be usable by illusions. Once the target is drained of mana, you use Mana Void and instantly kill them. Extremely powerful in the game, and extremely powerful outside of it if Michael's suspicions were correct. The magic resistance alone would prove incredibly powerful.

Next on the list is Axe, a big red dude with an axe who, in the game, is able to tank an entire team while simultaneously killing them.

Axe's abilities were Beserker's Call, a taunt spell that also granted you armour for its duration. Battle Hunger, a spell that slowly deals damage to enemies who don't quench their thirst by killing something, it also speeds up Axe based on how many people are affected by it. Counter Helix, Axe's bread and butter, sometimes allowing him to spin and deal massive damage to everything around him when attacked, in the game it wouldn't be strange to see an Axe go helicopter-mode and instantly wipe out any nearby enemies... Last but not least is Culling Blade, or better known as "DUNK!", allowing Axe to instantly kill an enemy who's under a certain threshold of health. To Michael this would be incredibly useful against powerful enemies like giants, dragons, or other things that'd need to be whittled down to kill. He could imagine himself Dunking on the Ancient Dragon while everyone watches... How cool would that be?

Next is BroodMother, which Michael instantly rejects... BroodMother is essentially a giant spider whose abilities revolve around birthing smaller spiders and killing everything with an army of her 'babies'. Not only would it be fucking creepy to run around with an army of giant spiders following him, but that'd also force him to 'birth' them in the first place. REJECTED!

Centaur Warrunner, another powerful tank who was able to retaliate against any who dealt damage to him. Michael knew making himself into a tank wouldn't really be possible at this point, as he lacked the sheer health, strength, and vitality required to be stabbed, burned, and everything else. Not to mention enduring it all while slowly whittling down the enemy would be aggravating as all hell.

Centaur's abilities were Hoof Stomp, an AOE stun around him that dealt some damage. Double Edge, a melee attack that did massive damage to the enemy, but also dealt half that damage to himself, not so useful judging by Michael's experience with Dark Pact. Retaliate, a passive ability that deals a percentage of Michael's strength stat as damage to any enemies who attack him... Incredibly powerful if you had a shit ton of strength... Which he didn't. And his ultimate, Stampede, boosting Centaur Warrunner and any nearby allies speed by ridiculous amounts, also granting them the ability to trample enemies underfoot, which dealt percentage strength damage to its victims. This was very good and could be used to make an army rolf-stomp literally any opponent if it was numerous enough... Still not enough to be picked though.

Next is Chen, a religious dude who rides around on a boar-thing? In the game is mind control monsters and makes them do his work for him. He's also able to heal and deal damage with some spells. To be honest, Michael didn't want to even think about picking this guy, his heal was limited as it was his ultimate ability, his attack spells were crap, and controlling monsters wasn't all that useful as it had a cap in the game... Though, he wasn't sure if it had a limit outside the game. REJECTED!

Crystal Maiden... Very good! Not only was she a powerful ice mage, but more importantly... She was hot!... Er, appearance-wise of course. Her abilities were Crystal Nova, which was a large AOE blast of ice that'd slow and damage anyone caught in it. Frostbite, which would freeze the target and slowly deal damage to them. Arcane Aura, arguably her most powerful ability, would passively regenerate her and all her allies mana, in the game people picked her for this ability alone. And lastly, her ultimate, Freezing Field, which would cause large icicles to fall from the sky and destroy everything around her, slowing everyone caught in it while also protecting her as she casts it. Strong, but rather limited in its uses, as you were forced to stand still to use it.

Michael was heavily leaning towards picking her, not just because of her abilities, but because she could teach him far more than just those spells. She was a proper mage unlike Shadow Shaman, so learning under her would be incredibly helpful for his development. He also wanted her elemental affinity, along with whatever bonus ability he'd receive...