
With the vampire dead, Michael turns his attention first to the Word Wall at the end of the room. He'd deal with the table filled with copied dragon script afterwards, but first he just had to confirm one thing. Was he Dragonborn?

He takes a deep breath and ignores Derflinger's whining for a moment before taking slow tentative steps towards the Word Wall. "Alright, let's see..."

He stops in front of the wall, eyes scanning for any indication of magical fuckery starting. Only for it to remain stagnant, lifeless. Despite the missed opportunity, Michael grins to himself, unable to stop from breaking into laughter as he covers his eyes with his hand.

"Hahahahahaha! Fucking yes!" he exclaims, stretching his arms out wide as if to emphasize his freedom. "Fuck you God! Fuck you fate! My life is mine!"

"Partner! What's gotten into that pea-brain of yours! Stop screaming like a lunatic and TURN AROUND!" Derflinger suddenly shouts, causing Michael to pause his celebration.

"Er, what?" he asks, slowly turning and paling slightly as from the tomb next to him, spies two eerie glowing blue eyes. "Ah..."

"Maybe you shouldn't be insulting higher beings you damned fool! You've jinxed us!" Derflinger angrily states just as the lid of the tomb explodes open, the heavy metal lid itself being kicked to the far end of the room by a black armoured leg.

"Oi, Partner! This thing looks scary as fuc-"


A behemoth of a Draugr stands from its tomb, 9ft and completely covered in ancient ebony armour. It was wielding a huge ebony shield on one arm, and a dangerous-looking ebony axe in the other. The only visible part of its body was its glowing blue eyes through its helmet's eye-slits...

All in all, this thing looked scary as fuck...

"Why did you kill the vampire that was here earlier you undead peperami!" Michael shouts, while shooting an Ether Shock at it, which uselessly bounces off of its chest plate and collides against the nearby wall, digging small furrows into it from the force.

Unfortunately, the Draugr Deathlord didn't seem willing to be shouted at without getting its own back... "ZUN. HAAL. VIIK!" it screams in a slow tone as if it were having difficulties remembering the exact words to the shout.

The shout quickly hits Michael however, the speed and size of the effect make him unable to dodge it in time... Fortunately, it wasn't anything as lethal as say, Firebreath...

Instead, a force tugs on Derflinger HARD. Sending the sentient blade flying out of his hand. "PARTNEEEeeeeeeer!" the sword screams in terror as it's thrown to the other side of the large room, the Draugr charging Michael once it'd finished its shout.

Michael backs up and drops into a low stance that'd been drilled into him by Riki, drawing a dagger that he shifts into a reverse grip. "Oh, no, what do I do without Derflinger!" he sarcastically says as he uses Blink Strike just as the Draugr chops down at him with its axe.

He appears behind it and leaps onto its back, his dagger easily finding the slit of its helmet. He fiercely stabs the dagger into it, but frowns at the feedback. It'd felt like he'd tried to stab a blunt butter knife through dozens of overlayed leather belts...

The Draugr attempt to attack him with its axe, but its armour prevents it from reaching him, so Michael continues to stab into the helmet slit, his expression becoming steadily worse as sweat gathers on his brow. "Die, die, die, die, die!"

Finally, the Draugr seems to lose its patience and slams its back into the Word Wall, dazing Michael and causing him to drop his dagger.

"FOE. KRAH. DIIN!" the Draugr shouts, blasting a viciously cold wave of air at him, instantly causing frost to gather on his skin and clothes. Indeed, he couldn't even feel his finger, and when he glanced down, he noticed that they were black and frostbitten.

"F-fuck!" he exclaims, his breath leaving a cold white cloud. He casts Shadow Dance and drags his wrist over his teeth to draw blood, using it to cast Dark Pact. The Draugr slams its axe into the cloud, but barely misses Michael as he leans to the side, his Shadow Dance heal wasn't healing his frostbitten digits, but fortunately, Dark Pact wasn't useless in this regard.

He gathers up his strength casts Blink Strike again, his mana beginning to run low due to how many spells he'd been casting. He almost falls on to the Draugr's back as Dark Pact activates, causing a wave of acidic mist to envelope both him and the Draugr Deathlord, the undead creature growling in pain.

Michael Blinks away after the attack, towards the opposite side of the room where Derflinger and his still active Serpent Wards were located. They were too far out of range to be much help, but luckily, they'd be able to buy him some time to figure out how to kill this thing.

The Draugr takes a moment to notice his absence but quickly changes towards him once it notices the cloud of smoke that covered him. "Derflinger! Where the fuck are you!"

"O-Over here!"

Michael runs to the voice and almost stumbles over himself when he spots Derflinger buried up to the hilt in the wall around two meters off of the ground. "Don't just stand there and gawk at me! We need to move, Partner!" the sword shouts, bringing Michael out of his daze. He runs up and grabs the handle, using both feet against the wall to free Derflinger from it.

He falls to the floor with the sentient sword in hand, only to feel vibrations through the floor, signalling that the Deathlord was approaching. He'd try to turn invisible and escape if he could, but as he'd discovered earlier, the undead don't use their eyes to see!