Meet the locals

Tiffania was an instant hit with the locals, who despite being wary of her long ears, quickly warmed up to her due to her shy and demure, yet incredibly polite and friendly temperament. Of course, her beauty did help ease things along, even if Michael found himself having to 'assess' each person who interacts with her... Valga wasn't happy with him after he'd sent one drunkard through a wall for trying to cop a feel of Tiffania's ass. To be honest, the guy was lucky to come out alive, as Michael hadn't restrained his strength...

Valga's anger with him quickly faded though as he 'donated' enough gold to pay for the wall, along with her new friendship with Tiffania, who the woman had started treating like a daughter or niece for some reason.

Valdr, Ari, and Niels were happy to meet Tiffania, even if they didn't really mesh due to their Nordic attitudes. They saw Tiffania as one would see a lamb, weak and requiring protection, leading them to be somewhat condescending when they spoke to her, as if they were dealing with a child. Though, this could just be due to her difficulty speaking their tongue. Tiffania took it all in good stride however, simply enjoying the new sights, sensations, and scenery. This was something Michael could agree with, as the Skyrim inn was a far and welcome departure from anything in Halkeginia.

For dinner, Valga had gotten the help of her servers, Illococoo and Narri to hang a honey-glazed pig above the fire in the center of the room, the latter woman turning the spitroast so that it would cook evenly, causing the entire place to smell of succulent pork and ale. Tiffania usually preferred vegetables, probably due to her elven heritage, but she was more than eager to get a taste of the pork. The girl was almost drooling as she watched it cook, all while completely forgetting about the dice game she was supposed to be playing.

Michael claps her on the back to get her attention back on the game, causing her to swallow her saliva awkwardly and begin coughing, this had every on the table laugh good-naturedly at her expense, leaving the girl red-faced in embarrassment. "Drooling over it isn't going to make it cook faster, here, have this to tide you over for now." Michael says, sliding over a sweet roll that he'd pulled from his inventory... What? Those things a fucking amazing, of course he'd keep a stash for himself!

"Thank you." she politely thanks, picking up and examining the baked good for a moment before taking a bite, some of its icing getting smeared on the side of her mouth. Her eyes light up as she chews, "Mmm! T-this is good!"

Michael smiles, "I knew you'd like that, ah, here," he says, wiping off the icing with a finger and eating it, causing the girl to sputter and blush even further as the others watch with amusement.

"Is this how things work outside of Skyrim? A couple Nords would be sucking each other's faces by now!" Ari remarks.

Valdr shakes his head, "No, even outside of Skyrim they'd have gone back to their room already... These two are just prudes." he says, receiving a glare from Michael as he translates their words to Tiffania, making her hold her hands to her face in an attempt to hide how embarrassed she was... Truly they were having fun teasing her.

"Say, Tiffania here actually wants to explore Skyrim, you guys got any ideas on where to see some sights?" Michael asks.

"Most places in Skyrim have something unique about them, otherwise they'd have never been settled in the first place. Our land and history are rich, but, I suppose it depends what you're looking for... If you only want to see pretty buildings then Solitude is the way to go. If you want to see lands with history, go and visit Jorrvaskr and Dragonreach in Whiterun, or even the keep of Windhelm. I don't know if it's true, but they saw that Windhelm is the oldest city, built by men at least."

Michael nods while Tiffania listens with both difficulty and interest. Things continued on well from there, their dice game ending just as the spit-roasted pork finished cooking. Tiffania found herself handed a whole leg of the pig, the girl sheepishly looking around for help as she struggled to hold the thing.

Soon enough Michael had drank enough to loosen him a bit, but with the bards singing boring tunes about the might of the empire, Ragnar the Red, etc. He got so fed up with them in fact that he started drunkenly singing his own songs, in particular, the easy to remember ones from his original world like Fly Me To The Moon, Piano Man, and other similar songs. All of it was in English of course, so no one apart from him and eventually Illococoo actually understood any of the words... It didn't stop some people from enjoying the lyrics though.

The rest of the evening went by quickly, with drunken patrons leaving, some paying for rooms as they were too shitfaced to walk home properly, and others simply passing out at their tables as it is. Michael stood up with shaky feet and was assisted by Tiffania back to her room. She was also pretty tipsy, her tolerance was low, but she didn't drink a lot of ale as she disliked the flavour.

Michael stumbles into the room and flops onto the bed, barely managing to get his shoes off as he does so. Tiffania follows him, dressing up in her sleeping clothes and crawling into bed next to him.

The two hadn't slept in the same bed since coming to this world, but Tiffania didn't know or care about it, instead returning to their usual sleeping arrangement. Much to the drunken Michaels delight...

They spooned in bed, Michael unconsciously kissing the back of her neck, causing Tiffania's body to stiffen slightly, before relaxing and wiggling closer to him. She didn't know if she was ready for such intimacy, especially with Michael being drunk, but she could handle this at least... Luckily for her, before Michael got any friskier, he passes out almost as soon as his head rests against the pillow...