Second Chance? No.

"All checks out, welcome to Whiterun... Try to stay out of trouble." the gate guard says, letting the Redguard enter the city unmolested.

Shakeesh nods, letting out a weary breath at finally reaching his destination... To be honest, he had thought he would've died before reaching it. Falkreath was a travesty, and Riften even more so. He'd only been there a couple days and Maven Black-Briar gets cut down in her own home. The city was a like a warzone after that, gangs springing out to try and fill the power vacuum.

Thankfully, he'd already been on the winning side. The Thieves Guild took control of everything. From what he knew, their previous relationship with the Black-Briars allowed them to just pick up where Maven had left off. Jotdarra had even shown him the 'legally acquired' deeds to the various Black-Briar properties, particularly the Goldenglow Estate and the Black-Briar Meadery, which were the most lucrative businesses in all of Riften, and maybe all of Skyrim. The Khajiit couldn't stop laughing about it, and even a day later he was still insufferable.

They all knew such things should have been claimed by the Black-Briar family that was over in Cyrodil, but the Thieves Guild was confident enough in stabilising their foothold in Riften to not worry about it.

Of course, it didn't really matter to Shakeesh in the end, he wasn't a full-fledged member of the Guild, so once he'd claimed his pay from Jotdarra, along with a substantial bonus for his assistance in cleaning up after Maven's 'untimely' demise, he set off straight for Whiterun.

Looking at the city now, taking in the promising sights, smells, and atmosphere that both Falkreath and Riften dearly lacked, he felt it might've all been worth the trouble. He smiles to himself, giving a cheerful wave at some playing children before strutting down the street, straight towards where the Companion's place of residence, Jorrvaskr, should be.

He makes his way up the steps, ignoring the rambling priest of Talos, and approaches the mead-hall doors. "This will be the start of my new life, one without the mistakes of the past. I will be a new man, my own man. It all starts he-" Shakeesh mutters, but pauses as he steps inside the room and encounters a person he had dearly hoped to avoid.

"Oh, it's you again? You looking for another beating or something?" Michael asks with a crooked brow, not having expected to see this person again.

Shakeesh's breathing halts, his body shouting for him to retreat. Clearly, this wouldn't be the second chance he had hoped it to be... But, he refused to allow this small obstacle to get in his way. He coughs into his hand and straightens his posture, "No, I am here to join the Companions."


"You sure? I don't think they are too fond of Thieves." the man, Michael says, but Shekeesh could see his lips resist being pulled into a smile, as if he'd just been told a joke.

"I've put all of that behind me. I want to prove myself... What is your role here?" the Reguard asks.

Michael shrugs, "I'm still technically just a recruit, even if most don't see it that way... Whatever, I'll let the others deal with you. But I'll warn you, try to steal from anyone and I'll throw you from the top of Dragonsreach, got it?"

Shakeesh nods determined to not get on Michael's bad side again. This was his third encounter with him, the other two ending in him fleeing while hoping to not be pursued... Clearly, fate had them in mind for something.


Shakeesh soon joined the ranks of the Companions, Michael had let Vilkas know of the man's earlier deeds, but the Companions didn't really care about your past crimes as long as it didn't affect the rest of the guild. So long as the Redguard kept his fingers to himself, and honoured the guild, he'd be able to stay.

There was also Shakeesh's martial abilities to worry about too, the man was skilled with two swords, specifically curved sword, ones that the warriors in Hammerfell often used. Shakeesh had, unfortunately, had to sell his own weapons to reach Skyrim, but he'd asked Eorlund for a set of Skyforge Curved Steel Swords when the man had time.

The Redguard was still pretty skilled with two regular straight swords however, being around the middle of the pack when compared to the rest of the recruits... Which was good, considering that most people who joined the Companions were already accomplished warriors with feats under their names.

Michael didn't really bother doing anything with the new member, he was more concerned with just improving his sword and dagger skills for the limited time he had left in Whiterun. Once Eorlund was done with his armour, he and the girls would leave for the Hall of the Vigilant to try and have Maria healed.

When news of his soon to be departure came out it felt like a riot was occurring within Jorrvaskr... Most people who joined the Companion were there to stay, at least until another greater opportunity presented itself... People either died as a member or retired after many years of service.

Still, after he'd weathered the complaints, mock-insults, and other banter sent his way, it was Kodlak who decided to speak to him about it, the old Harbinger having returned after attending one of his childhood friend's funerals, or so Michael had been told.

The duo just sat in one of the rooms under Jorrvaskr for half an hour, Kodlak silently staring at him as the man nursed a mug of mead. Michael didn't speak up however, deciding to let the old man do whatever he wanted... Even if it was kind of creepy.

Michael how now been there forty-five minutes in total when finally Kodlak decides to speak up, "Alright. You may leave to do what you must, your place in the Companions will be unaffected." he decides, confusing Michael considerably.

"Er, why?" Michael inquires, knowing that this honour wasn't granted to anyone else, even if they asked.

Kodlak hums, pushing his empty mug to the side, "The Companions like to keep our members close, do you know why?"

Michael shakes his head and Kodlak continues, "I'm sure you've seen them, most people who join are stubborn, determined, ambitious. All things that could lead them down the wrong path. We keep them close to them running the Companion's name through the mud, I know well enough that put in a poor enough position, most would resort to less honourable means to get by... But, from what I've heard about you, I am sure such problems won't come to fruition." he explains, and smiles slightly when he spots Michael's confused look.

"Boy, you've been sitting here in this room with me for almost an hour, and yet you haven't said a word. I can only see a few reasons for this, but I doubt you are afraid of me. Nor do you have something planned, as I'm the one who called you." he chuckles, "You were just too polite to speak first, which matches what the others have said."

"Too polite? Yeah, I don't think so..." Michael mutters, sure that such a description didn't match him.

Kodlak shakes his head, "No matter what you think of yourself, I trust you won't cause any problems... Besides, you aren't just looking after yourself, are you?"