Nirya gonna give...

The woman frowns at him, "Your answer is as foolish as it is irritating. Everyone who comes here wishes to learn or is already learned in magic. State your business and identities or stay out." she grouses, clearly taking some satisfaction over the small amount of authority she had.

Michael just shakes his head and introduces everyone, "Our business is magic, that should be enough to be allowed entrance into a MAGIC institution."

The woman crosses her arms and stifles a smug grin, "Oh? But you must know that the college is the premier location for all things arcane. We don't just accept anyone who arrives..." she says, glancing at the armour barely concealed under his furs and then between the others. "Your compatriots can come inside, but you will have to prove yourself. You aren't the first muscle-headed warrior to believe themselves worthy of magic-"

"Laguna Blade." Michael casually says while pointing at the sky, causing a bolt of lightning to shoot out. The High Elf topples backwards over her chair at the sudden sound, both of her hands shooting out and casting the strongest ward she could despite her awkward position.

Not that it would have mattered if he had aimed it at her, the lighting struck way back she even thought about casting wards, let alone actually doing it. She stands there in a defensive stance for a moment before eventually realising that she was the only one doing so.

"That good enough?" he asks, matching the previous smug look she'd sen them earlier.


"Y-yes... I do believe that is evidence enough... I-I am Nirya, but the way. I apologise for my attitude, but it was merely to test you as potential students. It was all an act of course!"


Yeah, Michael didn't believe that, and by the looks of it, no one else in his group did either.

Nirya gives a nervous cough before finally deciding to escort them towards the college. It was pretty nerve-wracking to be honest, walking across a thin, slippery, ice-caked stone path that led over a huge drop that'd most certainly mean death to any who was unlucky enough to trip.

"S-so, where did you study? Your skill in Destruction magic means you must have dedicated years to the art... An apprenticeship? The Synod? Or maybe the College of Whispers perhaps?" the previously-cocky elf

Michael just ignores her however, instead, focussing on the strange wells that had glowing blue light upwards from them as if to defy gravity. There were a few located across the path, and Michael wondered if they were only there to illuminate the bridge, or if they served another purpose entirely.

Nirya looked as if she'd bitten into a lemon when she receives no reply from Michael, but from the corner of her eye, she notices a small smile on Tiffania's face. She frowns, "Do you have something to say?" she asks, but again, doesn't receive a reply. Nirya huffs, "Must just be one of his 'escorts' then, figures, having the 'assets' but lacking a mind of her own." she whispers just loud enough for the Half-Elf to hear.

"Don't be upset, I'm sure you will grow one day." Tiffania cheerfully replies, not a hint of malicious intent to be seen... Which only angers Nirya further.

"Upset? No, I was just thankful that I didn't have to carry such superfluous sacks of sagging flesh around with me. I feel that my talents in the arcane arts are more than enough to garner attention." she snidely retorts, raising her chin in the air as if she'd already won the confrontation.

Tiffania continues smiling innocently at her, "I am sure everyone is very impressed. But I think you will find it hard distracting their attention away from your rather large forehead? Superfluous you called it? I think that word describes it perfectly." she says, rather brutally striking where it hurt... Altmer were known for their sharp facial features, but most also had a large forehead that peaked over their eyes and noses, somewhat like how neanderthals were depicted. Indeed, it was a critical blow to Nirya who had already been self-conscious about it herself...

Nirya's mouth opens on its own as she sputters to find a response, but she quiets herself as she hears Michael and Illococoo sniggering from behind her. She growls under her breath, deciding that while the girl may have won this battle, the war wasn't anywhere near over.


Once led through the large metal gates of the college, the group find themselves standing in an enclosed garden with a large statue of a mage stood in the centre, overlooking yet another magic well, this was larger than the ones he'd seen outside.

Michael hadn't felt this in the game but, he honestly imagined that this was what people felt when they first attended Hogwarts. There was a strange feeling of magic in the air, combining that with the incredible architecture and knowledge to be gained... The long trip to get here was well worth it.

A few robed people were milling about the place, some carrying stacks of scrolls with them while others only had books, alchemical ingredients or even small boxes of gems. A few even stopped to observe the new 'guests' to the college, curious eyes scanning over the group's forms with interest.

Michael was surprised by just how many people was actually there. In the game it was pretty barren, either due to the developers not having to time to create so many students or because the civil war prevented people from making the trek over here.

Comparing it to Winterhold made the 'city' look like a small bus station used solely to travel to the college... Which wasn't actually wrong, to be honest.

"Ah, Nirya, I see you haven't managed to scare off our guests this time." another High Elf states as she approaches, causing Nirya to grit her teeth and scowl in response.