First Lecture

Michael proceeds to demonstrate a couple of spells from the Book of Heroes to the Arch-Mage. Laguna Blade, Ether Shock, Shackles, and Carnival Tricks. He saw no need to show more than that, his other abilities might get him out of a pickle so it was best to keep them secret from the man for now.

All the while, the Arch-Mage was taking notes and occasionally casting a spell to 'analyse the flow of Magicka and the formations responsible for it', whatever that meant. An hour goes by with Michael occasionally casting one of the spells again so the Arch-Mage could get a better look. After many questions over how casting them felt, what he was thinking while doing so, and what actions were necessary to complete them, their session soon came to an end.

"That will suit my curiosity for now, Apprentice, I thank you for the opportunity... Now, would you be willing to do this again in future? I imagine translating these results will be far more difficult than I'd originally thought."

Michael shrugs, "As long as we can arrange it beforehand, I'd rather not be dragged away from something important..."

The Arch-Mage nods, "Very well... Ah, there's the matter of your compensation, no Mage I know would willingly hand over their research without it."

Michael shakes his head, "Just help my friend, Illucocoo with her research and we'll call it even."

"No, no. I'll not allow that. I said I'd help her with her research if she is able to demonstrate her mastery of the Thu'um. I'm not in the business of extorting others' work and knowledge... What is it you want, Apprentice?"


"A favour then, to be used in the future." Michael says, not really wanting anything in this moment. Fortunately, the Arch-Mage is an agreeable person.

"A favour? Very well, as long as it's within the limits of reason... Now, I do believe there is a lecture by Master Faralda Scheduled in the Hall of the Elements." he waves his hand and closes his eyes for second, "You still have seven minutes and forty seconds to arrive."

Michael nods, "Thanks, see you around, Arch-Mage."


Michael makes his way back down the tower's steps and strides into the Hall of the Elements which was already hosting a large group of eager-to-learn Apprentices. Faralda was already standing on a step at the end of the circular room surrounded by eager students, looking forward to hearing what the Master had to say.

Michael quickly spotted Tiffania, Charlotte, and Illococoo standing at the back of the group of students and heads to join them, only then noticing that they were making small talk with a Redguard woman wearing Apprentice robes.

"Hey guys, did I miss anything?" he asks, interrupting their conversation as they turn towards him.

Tiffania shakes her head, "No, the lecture hasn't started yet... Where were you? We were waiting in the library for you."

Michael sucks in a breath as he reaches to his side, realising he was still carrying the book he'd borrowed. "Uh, I got caught up talking to the Arch-Mage, I'll need to hand the book to Urag as soon as the lecture ends..." he sheepishly admits.

"The Arch-Mage? What did you talk about?" the Redguard woman asks, uncaring for their unfamiliarity. "Oh, I'm Yisra by the way."

"Michael, good to meet you..." he says before his face brightens up, he turns to Illococoo as the dragon girl tilts her head at him oddly, "It was actually something concerning you, Illu. If you show the Arch-Mage your progress with the Thu'um he'd be willing to assist you with it."

The girl's face lights up at this, everyone present knowing just how beneficial the Arch-Mage's backing is. Even if the man didn't know anything about the Thu'um, he could still have people search and discover Word Walls and copy down what was written. Plus, the man was bound to know people already capable of the art, despite how hard it is to learn, the Greybeards accepted anyone willing to learn and dedicate themselves to the 'Way of the Voice'.

"Really? Are you sure, Big Bro?"

Michael nods, causing the girl to hop on her heels excitedly, looking as if she was going to run for the Arch-Mage's quarters any moment. "Yeah, but calm down first. You can go ask him about it afterwards... Look, the lecture's starting." he says, gesturing at Faralda who had begun to clear her throat to address everyone.

Once the room becomes quiet, she begins. "Good evening, today I would like to discuss and deliberate with you all the reasons, causes, and subsequent results with the way elements react, specifically, the way the three main elements affect the Magicka of anyone they're cast upon."

Faralda then proceeds to lay out the basic concept for everyone who wasn't already aware of it. Fire, Shock, and Frost each have different effects when cast against living targets. Fire deals more damage than it should, Shock draining the Magicka of those it affect, and Frost slowing and draining Stamina.

Michael had actually forgotten about this all, ignoring these effects and just considering it regular elemental magic... It seems he was mistaken though, as elemental magic didn't have this effect back in Halkeginia.

This could mean many things, as Faralda was all too willing to discuss during her lecture. The elements in this world could simply be different and operate under entirely different principles, which Michael wasn't really willing to believe since his own magic was unaffected... His Laguna Blade for instance didn't drain his target's Magicka.

Or the theory that Michael was leaning towards, Magicka itself changed the way spells and elements operated. This would mean that while Michael's abilities would remain unaffected by it(Him not having his mana sucked out and replaced like what happened to Charlotte and Tiffania), people from other worlds that enter Tamriel would also adopt these rules.

This was actually incredibly good in his eyes, as Charlotte's ice magic would now be far, far more powerful than it previously was. Though, Michael was still unsure how other elemental magic would work under these rules... Earth, Wind, etc.