
*Knock, Knock, Knock*

"Are you ready yet? We should've gone eight minutes ago." Michael asks through Saeko's door.

"A-ah, just a minute!" Tiffania surprisingly voices, "She's almost ready!"

Michael was halfway to asking why Tiffania was even in there when the door opens, revealing the room. Saeko had always been pretty utilitarian, which is why he was surprised to find the entire place decorated like an old Japanese tatami room. Of course, there was an abundance of stands that held the ridiculous number of swords Saeko possessed.

At the end of the room was Tiffania standing in front of Saeko who appeared to be sitting on a stool while having her hair braided. She moves out of the way and reveals the purple-haired girl in her entirety.

They'd brought out all the stops for this apparently, Saeko sporting a small yet extensive amount of makeup on her face. Powdered cheeks, eyeliner, lipstick... She was even wearing the sword-styled joke earrings he'd bought for her as a souvenir while traipsing through London.

Of course, she also had her sword, Kakonoitami, strapped firmly on his hip, neither elevating her appearance nor taking away. To be honest, it'd be weirder to see her without her weapon.

"You both look beautiful." he idly remarks, quickly noting that his words were apparently a mistake, judging by the disappointment in Saeko's eyes and the chiding look Tiffania was sending him.

He coughs into his fist and goes for the quick recovery. "I'm surprised you've managed to make yourself even prettier, Saeko. I hadn't thought it was possible..."

The smile on her face in response allowed him an inward breath of relief, "How'd you get your room like this too? I would've heard it if you were altering it?"

"Saya and Tiffania helped with it while you were gone. I prefer my homeland's Aesthetics to hard stone or the western look." she stands and makes small steps towards him, something about tradition or some such? "Did you plan our date?" she eagerly asks.

Michael nods, "Yeah, we're a bit behind schedule though so we better move." he nods to Tiff, "Try not to get into any trouble while we're gone."

She smiles warmly, "It's you who's always causing trouble."

"Thank you for helping me with this." Saeko says to her graciously, "It's difficult putting all this on with one person..." she pauses and shakes her head, "Don't mind me too much, if this is going to work then some understanding in necessary." she states diplomatically.

Tiffania nods, stepping forward and giving Michael a kiss goodbye, then lays one on Saeko's cheek, "You two have fun, I want to hear all about it when you get back!"

Michael and Saeko step out of the Spire, but he pauses his steps and glances at the girl hugging his arm, "Do you think we're a little..." he gestures down at his outfit, an expensive tan suit that fits snugly on him, a stark contrast to Saeko's colourful kimono.

She shrugs, "It doesn't matter, we'll look out of place regardless of where we go, and I doubt anyone could call out our jumbled fashion... So, where are we headed?"

"Cyrodil, I've made reservations at a very special place. If you don't like it then I'll spear myself." he jokes.

"I'll hold you on that." she smiles, but Michael couldn't tell if she was being sarcastic or not...


A quick teleportation later and the duo found themselves standing before a rather large colosseum that sat not far outside the Imperial City. There were many areas scattered around the Empire, but this was the most famous and luxurious one... If you afford it.

"You didn't..." Saeko breathes, excitement rising up in his stomach.

"Luxury box that gives us full view of the arena, with some of the best food you can buy." he says, but falters slightly as she purses her lips. Huh, did she think he'd entered her into it? Yeah... That's probably the case. "If you get fired up we can go visit a few bandit camps nearby...?"

That does it, Saeko tightly holding his arm and humming as they make their way to their seats. He'd randomly stumbled onto one of the best days for this too, the reigning area champion was taking challengers today. Warriors would have to fight one another, and the few who win or survive, get to try their luck against the Champion.

Was it unfair that they'd have to fight him after tiring themselves out? Yeah, but no one ever said the area would be fair. After all, this place makes most of its gold through bets.

Michael and Saeko's table had been set up directly overlooking the area through a high-placed box, giving them the perfect view of everything, including those in the stands. It was most-likely designed this way so 'Nobles' could watch the 'animals' jump as they watch the carnage... Though...

Michael glances around and soon spots the royal box, which was even higher than the noble one and only housed the Emperor and his kin.

"Have you ever fought in an area before?" Saeko asks as they wait for their appetisers.

"No, I can't say that I have?" Michael hums in thought, the Blood Moon area where Daedric Champions fought didn't really count in his books, no one was watching other than the Daedric Princes after all.

"I have, back in Hammerfell, Raiden and I entered a 'friendly competition' in Sentinal, the Capital. Turned out it was rigged however, the best fighters were paid to dominate then throw it at the last second... I accidentally ended up killing those fighters and had to deal with constant assassination attempts until the tournament ended."

"Did you win?"

"Of course. It was a close match between me and Raiden, I think he may have gone easy on me though... When I asked him he said it was dishonourable to fight me when I hadn't slept or eaten in two days."