
While Saeko pranced around the rooftops beating the crap out of Levi, Mikasa and Armin were left to deal with the currently enraged and armless Eren still within his titan form.

"What should we do!?" Armin exclaims as he hurriedly looks around the now empty hall.

"I-, I don't know..." Mikasa admits, not seeing any viable way to extract Eren from the titan, they didn't have their manoeuvre gear and it was only a matter of time before someone came a dealt with Eren permanently.

Speak of the devil...

"No..." Mikasa utters as multiple soldiers grapple up to the roof and begin circling the armless titan as it tries to bite them out of the air. They were good, good enough to easily avoid Eren's attempt to defend himself.

The stumps that once held his arms were steaming heavily, showing that the titan as attempting to heal itself, but it wasn't nearly enough...

Mikasa's pupils shrink as one soldier darts at Eren's nape with his sword ready. No doubt a fatal blow...


She looks to the side and sees Armin quickly trying to reload the rifle he'd just shot, the soldier from earlier falling out of the sky and heavily onto the hall floor with a bullet hole in his neck. He coughs and gags as blood fills his esophagus, and he quickly expires on the floor...

"Don't wait Mikasa! Take the gear and help Eren!" he shouts, taking aim but missing his next shot.

She gives a firm nod and does as she's told, stripping the equipment from the corpse and hastily strapping it to herself. With that done, she darts upwards, instantly cutting a careless soldier out of the air with a swift decapitation, causing his teammates to rapidly retreat in the face of this new threat... An armless titan was one thing, but a traitorous soldier who could move almost as fast as Captain Levi? No chance.

"DAMN TRAITOR!" someone roars as that try to attack her back, only to find their lower half separated as Eren looks up and takes a bite. Blood splatters across Mikasa's face but she wipes it off with the sleeve of her rags and refocuses on the two remaining soldiers.

"You won't hurt him!"

Unfortunately, it's at that moment that dozens more soldiers arrive, drastically outnumbering her... She bears her blades and growls at them, but they aren't lacking confidence now that their comrades were with them.


"You want a monster!?" Mikasa angrily snarls, deciding to make that man's words a reality. Saeko said she could transform whenever she wanted, so all she had to do was will it... She focuses on with maximum intent, but only serves to give herself a headache... To combat this she bites down on her cheek hard and-


An explosion erupts as yet another lightning bolt graces the city, this one far, far larger than what Eren had produced...

"G-GOD! WHAT IS THAT THING!?" a terrified soldier yells as soon as he gets sight of it.

A full sixty meters tall and completely surrounded in heavy armoured bone plates, the giant female titan's form was graced with feminine curves covered in powerful corded muscles that the armoured plates barely hid.

The only part of her face that wasn't plated were her full lips and intense grey eyes, and her black hair went down to her shoulder blades. That wasn't all however, her fingers and toes were all adorned with huge claws that looked ready to rend whatever they came against, be it flesh, stone, or steel...


Eren's titan screams as it lunges forward and tries to bite Mikasa's his teeth shattering against the bone plating covering her leg. She's about to retaliate by crushing Eren but her eyes roll backwards before reappearing, allowing her to regain her consciousness...

She looks around, ignoring the gaping horrified soldiers and then proceed to reach down and crush Eren's skull. She then grabs the lifeless body by the shoulders and delicately plucks the unconscious boy from the nape, tucking his body safely in her mouth...

All the while, Armin was watching the scene from the ground, wondering what the fuck was going on... Both Eren and Mikasa had transformed, and if things continued like this, what were the chances of him transforming too!?

"DAMN! YOU GUYS WON'T LEAVE ME BEHIND LIKE THIS!" he exclaims, trying to will himself to transform, but failing with every attempt...

Elsewhere, Saeko kicks Levi so hard in the face he loses a couple teeth, then proceeds to leap over onto Mikasa's now giant shoulder, "Not quite the transformation I was expecting, but it suits you!"

Mikasa glances down at her and lets out a large puff of steam from her nose, then picks up Armin from the ground and makes a break towards the walls Every single one of her steps destroys half a neighbourhood, and the wind produced by her stride completely blows out windows...

Soon enough she reaches the gate leading to the 'previously' titan-infested region within Wall Maria. Knowing she probably wouldn't make the jump over the wall, and even if she did, the amount of destruction would be unimaginable... Instead, she just charges straight through the gate, completely turning it to rubble and continuing to run into the distance, the Military only able to sit and watch her rapidly departing back...


Miles away from Wall Maria, Megumin spots a large figure approaching in the distance... Figuring it to be just another pure titan, she casts Explosion at it and completely incinerates it... Only to then get smacked in the back of her head by a thoroughly singed Saeko with a number of unconscious people under her arm...

"You idiot! You almost kill these three!" she angrily exclaims.

"You could have warned me you were there!" Megumin complains, "Plus, Michael left me in the middle of nowhere for days! Did you even think about me once!?"

Saeko shrugs dismissively, "You're a powerful Arch-Wizard in a mundane world. You'd be fine on your own for years."

"Y-you're not wrong!-But that doesn't make it any better!"

Saeko looks down at Darth in his horse transformation, "You were hardly on your own too."

"Whatever! You and Michael owe me for this!"