More Dragonborn...?

Medusa lets out a breath and lowers her bow after the attack, ignoring the gaping, horrified expressions of those around her... She'd almost singlehanded forced the dragons in the sky to flee, at least for now, and yet she didn't look even slightly tired afterwards.

"M-L-Lady Medusa! W-what was that!?" one of Kunkka's sailors stutters out while being unable to match her gaze.

"That? Nothing at all." she casually remarks before slithering away... Unbeknownst to everyone else, she could unleash multiple of those attacks without much effort at all, a fact that were 'petrify' their enemies if they were made aware.


Kunkka was shielding the nearby ships by using large controlled waves to block dragon fire, Tidebringer occasionally lashing out to slash at a dragon who thought they could bypass that by physically attacking.

His Ghost Ship was sailing around near his Man O' War but the dragons were too fast to hit with its cannons. Indeed, the only damage done thus far had been the ghost sailors who'd clipped one dragon's wing with some flintlock shots, though this barely did anything at all.

Lina was flying around launching Laguna Blades left right and centre, but due to most dragons having high fire affinity, they were less effective than she'd hoped. Still, she'd killed one dragon and brought down another, allowing the navy to bombard it with cannons as it squirmed around uselessly in the sea.


Anti-Mage and Wei were somewhat useless in the battle, but Silencer was cursing any dragon that came close, causing them to take prolonged damage which only got worse whenever they used a shout. Some dragons had taken so much damage from it that they'd simply fled back towards Solstheim.


The Dunmer on the Morrowind ships were surprisingly well equipped against this situation, their powerful bows, enchanted arrows, and strong mages making the dragons wary of even approaching them... This didn't stop a few of their ships on the outskirts of the formation from going down however, still the damage wasn't nearly as bad as it could've been... That honour was reserved for Surtr's troops atop the ships in the front line...

The dragons had instantly been drawn towards the weaker modified civilian ships due to the soldiers having no real weapons against the dragon's scales. They were infantry, ready for a land invasion, not a naval defence against dragons.

This left them basically defenceless, and if it wasn't for Michael's spirits doing most of the work, Surtr's army would have been annihilated by now. Still, their morale was as high as ever, the sight of their High King flying around on dragon back fighting a threat to the world was something they'd only find written in storybooks.


Miraak sees all of this and growls under his breath, it seems he'd been too excited to engage and forgotten the basics of warfare. His dragon flies high up in the air and looks down at the navy, his will to dominate bubbling up from within, "GOL HAH DOV! HI LOS DII NU! KRIF!" (YOU ARE MINE NOW! FIGHT!) he roars as the shockwave washes over the boats, causing everyone caught to turn their glassy eyes at their comrades.

He then turns his eyes to what remains of his dragons, out of the twenty or so only fifteen were left, and even they were looking rather harried. "VOTIVUT! MU FEN KRIF NIIN AHST VEYSENOR!" (RETREAT! WE WILL FIGHT THEM AT SOLSTHEIM!) he commands as begins flying back to the island, easily disengaging from Surtr who was almost frothing at the mouth in anger.

Surtr wasn't a match for Miraak, and the only thing that'd stopped the fight from being cut short was Charlotte and Illococoo's aid...

With that, Miraak and his forces existed, leaving the mind-controlled thralls in the navy to begin attacking everything and anything around them. Surtr had tried to chase Miraak and was too far away to immediately resolve this with a Bend Will of his own... Thankfully, there was someone else to render aid...

"GOL HAH DOV!" a distorted version of Surtr's voice uses the shout and pulls everyone affected back from the brink of madness. They all look over and spot Rubick almost maniacally chuckling to himself after the successful cast... "Herhehehrhe! What a peculiar application of magic!"

"Mage? You know the Thu'um!?" one of Surtr's soldiers asked after recovering from their surprise.

"Thu'um!? Hrrmth, yes! That's what it's called... Interesting if somewhat antiquated-"


Surtr jumps from his dragon's back and tries to drop his foot directly on the Grand Magus' head, suspicion clear on his face. Rubick's body just collapses in on itself however, revealing that it'd only been an illusion and that the real person had been stood a couple meters away. "Who are you and how do you know that shout!?" he growls, not wanting to discover yet another time-misplaced-dragonborn.

"Who am I? I am Rubick, Grand Magus at the service of the College!... And er-, who are you again?" he mage asks, causing a vein to visibly throb on Surtr's face.

Surtr angrly points Wuuthrad at him, "I am High King Surtr, ruler of Skyrim and you! Now tell me where you learned that shout!" he questions, ready to plant his axe in the back of whoever it was.

"Who taught me...? Why, you of course! I learned it earlier when you used it on those funny dark fellows!" he states, causing Surtr to pause in utter confusion.

"Earlier...? I only used it once! It should take weeks if not months for a Dragonborn to learn it, let alone a regular man!"

Rubick shrugs his shoulders, his glowing green eyes not dimming in the slightest. "I am not a regular man..." he seriously utters.

Surtr's eyes widen, "Then, you're a drag-"

"I'm the GRAND MAGUS!" Rubick loudly and proudly interrupts, and those watching aren't sure whether he was purposely trying to piss Surtr off or was just oblivious to his anger.

"'King', we might try not fighting here? We still have the battle to win, bodies to wash up, and victory ale to drink!" Kunkka offers.


Surtr angrily grunts and just turns to walk away.