Chapter 9

Rio is now struggling with the files that have piled up on his office desk, he is getting more and more tired, it feels like a mess and now the endless work makes Rio uncomfortable, but that feeling disappears when suddenly he feels someone hug him from behind. His heart was a little happy, because he knew who the owner of the flower scent was and the person who dared to hug him in the office. Dinda.


Dinda kissed Rio's cheek lightly. She really knew how to quell Rio's anger.

"Honey, I'm sorry. I've been very busy lately, because today I have an empty schedule. I took the time to visit you." Dinda tightened her hug and now buried her face in Rio's shoulder.

Rio melted with the sweet attitude Dinda showed him, how could he be angry. After all, Dinda's mistakes are not worth the betrayal she committed. What if one day Dinda finds out, if she has. Marry. Rio shook his head quickly until his daydream was broken, he immediately stood up and immediately pulled Dinda's body to hug him.

"Next time don't leave me unheard." He said softly while stroking Dinda's long mane.

Dinda who was confused by Rio's attitude towards her just nodded in approval of Rio's words and returned the hug more tightly. "Never, next time I'll try to teach you Rio."


"Yes, promise."

Rio tightened the hug even more, inhaling deeply the scent that had made him feel homesick for days.

"Rio is tight, can you let go of your arm?" Dinda patted Rio's back as a signal because she needed oxygen to take a deep breath. Rio immediately released his embrace, he smiled at Dinda. This girlfriend is really pretty.

"So explain to me, where have you been these days?"

"I'm busy preparing for my departure to Japan, taking care of my passport and so on. I also have to re-examine my employment contract." Dinda said trying to explain, Dinda's statement made Rio feel like he was at number one after work. Dinda really wants to pursue her career first. "Tomorrow I will leave." she continued.

"Yes I know." He said without taking his eyes off Dinda. "I'll take you." Continued Rio again.

"I don't think it's necessary Rio, isn't your schedule very busy? I don't want to bother you."

"No, I will tell Rizal to clear my schedule tomorrow. You are more important, you will live in Japan that I don't even know when you will come home, I will definitely miss you very much."

"Rio please don't bother, I really don't want to bother you. I won't be going alone, my manager and stylist will also come."

Rio took a deep breath, this time he wouldn't budge. He also wants Dinda to depend on him, he also wants to see Dinda's departure at the airport. No, this time he will be tough on Dinda.

"I will take you, I can take care of my work while accompanying you, no refusal." He said at last.

Dinda nodded slowly with a slightly bent face. Rio pulled Dinda into a hug again.

"I just want to see you, you know I'm in a lot of pain if I can't see that pretty face of yours."

Dinda smiled instantly when she heard the sweet words that were said to her, Rio really understood Her.

"Yes, then you can drop me off tomorrow."

"That's good."




Tonight Rio went home because he wanted to get some change of clothes to wear tomorrow, the house was quiet, maybe because everyone was asleep. Rio looked at his watch, it was seventeen past eleven. It's almost midnight. Actually Rio very rarely occupies his private apartment, he will stay there if his mind is confused and he needs time to himself. And now, he's back there for one reason, he doesn't want to be at home because of Laras's figure.

He went straight to his room which was on the second floor, intending to clean himself up for a while and get a change of clothes, and of course went straight back to his private apartment. Moreover, his father did not protest, Rio reasoned that he wanted to focus on taking care of the work there first.

Just as Rio entered the room, he was silent for a moment. The atmosphere in the room didn't change at all, it's just that there was another scent that now wafted through his senses. Maybe this is the smell of soap used by Laras who is now curled up sleeping on his mattress. He walked slowly, taking off his clothes one by one with occasional glances at Laras to make sure the little girl was still sleeping.

Drowsiness suddenly attacked Rio as he was about to enter the bathroom.

"Ahhh...looks like I'll be back tomorrow. After this I'll sleep in Reza's or Rafi's room, I'm really sleepy." he thought, because he couldn't possibly drive in this sleepy state.

In the end he decided to stay at home.

Not long after Rio was done with his bathing business, he came out refreshed. He rubbed the small towel through his wet hair, he was also dressed in casual clothes and was ready to go outside to sleep in one of his brother's rooms, however. His rarity suddenly stopped when a voice called out to him.

"Rio are you home?" Laras asked in a hoarse voice because she had fallen a sleep earlier.

Rio was a little surprised when he saw Laras who was now looking at him with a sad look because maybe he was still sleepy, Rio swallowed his saliva slowly when he saw the figure who was now on his bed. Maybe Laras woke up because she heard himself closing the bathroom door quite loudly.

One that Rio noticed.

Why Laras's appearance is a little different now, slightly messy hair and Laras's condition who just woke up made Rio pensive for a moment. Rio's hair-rubbing movement stopped suddenly, he didn't understand himself. Even though Laras only wore a plain shirt and looked messy, but. Why does it look so different. In addition, her face, which was illuminated by a dim light, did not deny the radiance that came out of her face.

"Beautiful." He said unconsciously, even the image of Dinda in his head now suddenly disappeared from his memory. The longing that he said to his lover now seemed meaningless, replaced by the night view that appeared in his room at this time.