Chapter 12

"Where are you going?" Rio asked when he saw Laras was already carrying her bag and was already in the living room.

Laras turned her head because she heard Rio's voice asking her, Rio was dressed neatly ready to go to the office. Today he wore a white shirt with a navy suit, matching the cloth pants he was wearing, bringing an adult impression to him.

"Rio, can I ask your permission?" Laras asked again, instead of answering. Rio is now paying attention to Laras's appearance, which is a little neater than usual. Laras is wearing a plain white shirt with a plain shirt lining the outside. At least Laras didn't look as shabby as usual.

"Where are you going?" Rio asked again while passing Laras with his focus shifted to the bag he was carrying, Rio seemed to be looking for something but he couldn't find it.

"Want to visit the house, I want to check the whereabouts of Mother and father, there's not much work at home today either. Aunt Lin has taken care of it."

Rio glanced at Laras, but he didn't say a word. He prefers to unpack in his bag again, Rio has been looking for it but he can't find it. Rio began to feel uncomfortable, he took a deep breath because he couldn't find the file he needed. He thought he had it in his bag.

"Rio what are you looking for?" Laras tried to ask because She saw the anxiety from Rio.

"Did you see the folder containing the files I was working on last night?" finally the stubborn Rio asked Laras.

"Ah...about that." Laras opened the bag she was carrying then took out a black folder

"Why is it there?"

"I found this folder in the closet. I'm afraid you forgot so I brought it first because you was still bathing inside." Yes, last night for the first time they slept in the same room, but only slept with their backs to each other. Laras finally handed over the map which was then taken by Rio without saying thank you.

"Yeah, I'm leaving, you're going too, right?"

"So you allowed me?"

"Ha? You don't need to ask me for permission. Why are you asking permission? I don't care if you go or not." The answer was in a flat tone, Rio with his original attitude reappeared making Laras become discouraged. "What are you waiting for? Now go! Don't tell me you were waiting for me to drop you off?" he asked with a raised eyebrow.

"She's not waiting for you, she's waiting for me. Because Laras will go with me." From behind Laras's body, Reza came with the car keys in his right hand.

"You? You didn't go to college?"

"No, today I'm empty.

"Tch...why do you have to go to the trouble of bringing this trouble maker? She's such a hassle." He pointed at Laras who was now silent without interfering in the conversation of the two people in front of her.

"Why? I just want to. Don't you care about Laras? So what for?" Reza answered, making Rio silent and not answering his brother's words, Reza said right. What does he care for?

"Then I'll go." Reza walked past his older brother, but he stopped when he heard no footsteps other than himself, he faced back. And he saw Laras was still standing where he was.

"Hey, don't be slow like a snail. Move or I leave? I don't like waiting." Reza said walking back out of the house. Seeing no response from Rio, Laras finally walked out to catch up with Reza. On the other hand, Rio just stared at Laras and Reza leaving.




Reza parked his car at the entrance to a residential area that was quite densely populated. After this, they would walk, because it was impossible for them to use the car in the small alleys to Laras's house.

Reza went out first, then Laras followed. The road this morning is still wet because it rained last night making the weather a little cold.

"Wait." Reza stopped Laras who was ready to enter the residential alley. "Wear this, the weather is cold and you're not wearing warm clothes. You'd better wear one." Reza took off the jacket he was wearing then he handed it to Laras.

"Is that all right?" he asked.

"It's okay, use it. I'm fine. You'd better use it, take care of your body because you have one more life to take care of."

"Thank you."

After using Reza's jacket, the two of them finally continued their journey. Laras walked in front as a signpost, while Reza followed behind, he continued to follow Laras's steps slowly, occasionally glancing down. Who knows at any time Laras will slip, he knows that Laras is a careless person.

They walked for about fifteen minutes and now Laras stopped at a house with a blue iron fence that had faded because it had faded. The fence is not high, only up to Laras's chest so he can see part of his yard.

"Father! Mama!" Laras shouted from outside the fence.

"Father! Mama!" Laras shouted once again but he got no response. The house felt lonely and empty. Is it true that the father and Mama who she really misses really left her? Laras's hopes were dashed to meet Rina. Because the house was completely empty.

"Shall we go home? Or do you want to stop by somewhere?" said Reza who tried to offer, because at this time he saw Laras's face that looked gloomy.

Laras turned around with her shoulders slumped because she had to swallow disappointment, her eyes were a little misty. Not because of the cold weather, but the sadness she now feels. She really missed, honestly she wanted to meet. Especially on Rina. Because she wanted to tell me something.

"We'd better go home." She said slowly as she walked without facing Reza.

Reza didn't answer. Just leave Laras with her feelings now, he doesn't want to interfere too deeply. If Laras needs help, then he will act.

"Laras?" one voice that entered Laras's ears managed to stop her steps, she raised her head which she bowed down. Her misty eyes immediately caught the one figure he missed so much. Rina.

"Mom?" Laras said with the footsteps she quickened. Laras immediately hugged the body when it was right in front of her. "Mom Laras misses you." She said with tears she couldn't hold back anymore. Rina didn't answer, she was also sobbing in Laras's arms.

On the other hand, Reza just stood still. He bowed respectfully when Rina lifted his face and looked at himself who was standing not far from Laras and her mom. At least Reza can feel relieved, it seems that after this Laras will let go of her longing for Rina.