Chapter 35

The car that Rara brought was driving slowly down the city streets, he focused on looking at the road so that the trip was safe and he wanted to enjoy the driving. She occasionally glanced at Reza who was still leaning on the seat beside her. Her gaze was also straight ahead. I don't know what Reza is thinking now. Laras, maybe.

"So? You're going to be honest with Laras? But I think you should, even though you might end up being hated by her based on what you've done to her life." she said by occasionally changing the car's gear lever to adjust the speed.

"Yes of course, I will be honest and tell everything. If Laras hates me, I will apologize to the point of forgiving me. Even if I have to kneel, if necessary I will kiss her feet."

Rwna lowered the car speed.

"Are you serious? You really are crazy about Laras apparently. Even you are willing to kiss her feet, oww I forgot too. I also need to apologize to her, hahhh...if Rio didn't threaten me at that time. In his own way, God brought Laras to the three of us, I really feel guilty. The only thing I could do at that time was call an ambulance."

Reza took a deep breath.

"That's better isn't it. I didn't even realize I was snatching her happiness away, if he wasn't dragged by her father into the house, then my whole life would not know. My thoughts were really very short, and now. I love her so much, I want to protect her. What I witnessed for myself has opened my eyes and heart, even Laras managed to steal all my love."

"You're right, even you forget your lover quickly. Maybe now she's not in your head and heart. But I'm grateful, at least now you love a very kind person like Laras. I've never meet someone so strong and strong like her. She...."

"You are right." Reza turned his gaze to the side of the road, looking at the trees that lined the sidewalk. Feeling a little relieved but not all, now he just needs to apologize to Laras, and of course to his son.

His lips lifted to remember that what Laras was carrying was his child even though he did it in a lecherous way. He had to take responsibility for everything, he had to return everything to its original position.

Where he must be the husband of Laras.

His thoughts were interrupted when he heard his cell phone ringing because there was an incoming call. He took the cell phone and looked at the name on it. When he read the caller's name, Reza hung up.

A few moments later his cell phone back into hiding, but again Reza turned it off.

"Why turn off?" Rara asked.

"I don't need to answer it, it was Rio who called."


Reza's phone rang again but this time it was S who called, but his brother. Rafi.

"What is it?"


"I'm on my way, so what?"


"Yeah, he called me just now."


"No kidding!"


" FUCK! " Reza hung up, "Rara turned around to the hospital." He continued with a look of panic on his face.

"U-turn?" Rara asked in surprise.

"Stop the car here, we switch positions. Hurry up!" Reza now screams to scare Rara and immediately pulls over to the car she is driving.

Reza and Rara got out of the car to swap positions. Before Rara had put her safety belt on , Reza had pressed the gas pedal hard.

"Yeah! What are you doing?! You want to kill me?! Crazy! Where are we going in such a rush?!"

"Hospital." Reza answered briefly.





One of the slaps felt pretty sore now with a red scar on Rio's cheek. Small scratches are visible there from the nails from the slap. Dinda.

"So it's true? What you said at that time was true? You're married?!

Dinda threw her bag at Rio until it hit his handsome face again. But Rio didn't answer, he let Dinda's anger overflow and be vented to her. Because he's in a position to blame.

"forgive me."

"Is that all you can tell me?" Dinda covered her face with her palms, she collapsed on the floor but Rio had no intention of helping Dinda stand up. "Since when? Tell me! Since when asshole?!"

"Hahh____ not long after I proposed to you."

Dinda lifted her face that was already wet with tears, her face flushed with anger.

"You're such an asshole Rio! Then what now?! I want you to divorce your damn wife! I don't want to know. You promised me first." Dinda stood with her hands clenched tightly.

"I can not"

"What? You can't? Why? Why?! Your Brother wants to marry her anyway right? Reza can do it. So what's the problem?" Dinda looked deeper into Rio's face. "Don't tell me you have feelings for her?!"

Rio looked down and didn't answer.

"see me Rio"

Rio was still silent and still kept his face down. He didn't know it would be this complicated, he should have told Dinda slowly but he didn't know Dinda would find out this way.

"You bastard! So you want to end our relationship that easily? Bastard!"

Dinda came out of Rio's study, she didn't care if she had to leave her bag. She was disappointed and very angry, why did Rio propose to her if it ended up like now.


Rio took a deep breath, at least his relationship with Dinda is over right? Even though they parted ways in a way that is arguably not good it seems.

His body was weak and immediately slumped onto the sofa in the room. Her face and feelings were now a mess, Rio's appearance could describe it all.

He just realized now, it was true. Regret always comes too late.


The cell phone that was on his desk rang, with a lazy feeling Rio stood up and walked over to get his cell phone. Turns out a message came in there.

And the message managed to make him panic until his life seemed to float.

His hand immediately moved spontaneously to take the key that was on the table. Running out with a face that looks panicked. The other hand presses the elevator button . While the others tried to contact the number of his brother, Reza to be more precise.

But unfortunately the brother did not answer the call. Even up to the second call.

"Damn it! Why didn't you pick it up!"

Rio couldn't help but call his other brother, Rafi.

"Hello?! Hey! Where are you?!"


"Then where's Laras?"


"What?! Don't tell me he went alone?!"




"Laras is in danger."

Rio turned off the connection just as he reached downstairs.

"You die Dinda"


_Isn't she your favorite wife?

Don't you remember what i said?

I will kill him.