Our First Meet

Dinner was fine on that day. Rose made my favorite pineapple salad and chicken grilled. We sat outside the yard in front of Nana's house. The view on that evening was really nice. I felt eternal peace within me. Staring at the moon and stars, while having dinner with your loved ones, really made me feel that I'm at the right place. Looking at how pure everyone's smile and laughter were, they really enjoyed their life here apart from the world which was chasing money and fame. I wondered why mom had chosen a different path rather than staying over here. She could convince dad to live this peaceful life, where he had more quality time to spend with family, because what I saw from the villagers over here, the men went out to find food and earn money from selling what they had, meanwhile women take care of their children and did house chores. Some of them even had the time to grow their own fruits and vegetables. What a peaceful life.


That sound made me jump on my feet. I turned around and who else it could be apart from my best friend Chayton. He laughed at me and so were the others.

"It looks like your daydreaming my dear friend….sorry to interrupt your dream but my dad was talking to you and when we realized that no answer from you, apart from you were just staring at the skies….hahaha. Dreaming about your love it seems….oh yeah…it been days you're here….so missing him ehhh"

I had Chayton for teasing me with this

"Chayton….I don't have a boyfriend!", I replied as I was gritting my teeth.

"Hanska I was sorry, I was mesmerized by the beauty of the moon surrounded by the stars…this is my first outdoor dinner", I smiled as I felt sorry for him.

"Not a problem my dear Lakona….", he said in a warm smile.

Hearing the name, I smiled, I felt a warmness swam into me, the feeling was so good and my eyes glowed.

"Love when everyone called me by the name. Nana, why didn't mom just name me this. It's so beautiful", I turned and looked at Nana

"It seems that your mother is more comfortable with the other name than this one. I realized and stop proposing our tribe name when your brother and sister were born.", Nana explained

I just nod my head, feeling that mom had made a mistake or maybe my heart is just with this tribe

"Actually what I suggest is you can go to the woods tomorrow early in the morning. It's a perfect time because the weather won't be so hot and normally evening time the rain will hit the ground. It's the season", Hanska started to talk.

"My two boys will accompany you, as Chatan is more familiar where to find the herbs."

"Thank you, Hanska, you have done a lot for us, especially for Nana.", I said as my eyes teared up.

This family had done much for us, they even are a part of the family now as Nana always says that if she had a son like Hanska, this is how he would take care of her.

"Oh dear, you are one of us and family don't thank for each other but we do back up if they are in trouble. Even we are not bonded by blood, but my heart we are. That's the most important bond. Iyayuha thanmahel…", Rose hugged me and her arms around me.

I looked at her confused and say "Iyayuha thanmahel..?"

"It means a bond with the one's heart. This is how we say in our language", Rose said as she looked into my eyes.

God….where were I for all these years, wasting my time in the city without knowing the depth of my family history and culture. I'm in love with all of this unconditional love and each and everything makes me like I'm in a new world. Tears drop on my cheek

Rose wiped it off and her touch brings me back to the reality

"Guys, Nana….I wanted to tell everyone before but I'm not sure about it. I think I'm going to quit my job and settle down here together with Nana. I'm in love with our culture and I love the lifestyle here with nature. This is my final decision and I don't care even mom and dad don't agree with it.", I say with high confidence as I looked at Nana, I continued

"You taught me to follow my heart and I did Nana…", I ran towards her and hugged

I can feel Nana's tears on my shoulder and she gripped towards me was tighten. Again the wolves started to howl and I think they are happy with the decision I made. I was facing into the woods but I can sense that something is looking at me and that familiar mud smell. I assumed that it was the wolves, the spirit who choose me eventually will guide me. As our hugs broke, I looked at smiled at Nana

Everyone was happy when I told them my choice. We start to clean the tables as dinner had done. I helped Rose with the dishes and the boys were handy as well. They cleaned the table and bring Nana into the house

I went to bed early as we decide to go to the woods early in the morning tomorrow. As I had settled Nana into her bed, I went to my room. I opened the window as the chill air breeze into the room. I went to have a hot shower before to bed.

"You sure had followed your heart Lakona", Rose told me when I was washing the dishes.

"I fell in love with Hanska when I came for the field trip, and I fell more in love when I get to know his culture and tradition. It's a peaceful life which I really wanted as we are gifted with two precious children", she added as she looked out into the window. The boys were bringing Nana into the house.

"I felt that I had wasted half of my time without knowing this Rose….the culture and everything. I don't even know why mom hates them so much and decide not to follow, she could have convinced dad because if you could live why not them. You're not from the tribe but you love it…", I said in a sad voice wondering why couldn't we just stay together.

"Maybe they are not meant for this dear….. not everyone will follow their heart and will have this realization. I'm glad you did as for me this is a very unique and peaceful place if you really love mother nature", she told me as patted my shoulder.

We were enjoying cleaning up the dishes and she was arranging the plates back. I really hope that I had this close relationship, like how I'm having with Rose now. Even though she is almost the age of my mother, but she is so warm and really understands me, as well as her children. Hanska is lucky to have such a beautiful wife.

I put on my PJ and head to bed straight.

I was in the woods, and it is full of snow. I saw a huge wolf and I began to walk closer to it. The wolf realise that I'm coming toward it and it went deeper into the forest. I began to jog to catch up with.

"Hey stop…I won't hurt you…don't be afraid", I say as my breath was catching.

In second the wolf was gone….I looked around and it seems that I have lost my way. Great, now how should I find my way back.

"It's your fault wolfie. You should have stopped and not run deep into the forest. Now I'm lost and you are responsible for it! you better show me the way!", I shouted.

I felt a warm grip on my hand, in a shock, I turn over and almost trip down, but the warm huge hand wrapped around my hips. I was frowned upon by looking at the figure. It was a tall, muscular guy with a bare body. His body is fit and his perfect is shape. His face, I couldn't take my eyes off him. He had the perfect cut and his jawline looked so strong. His eyes have the color of the deep blue sea and look like it's mixed with a little black. I haven't seen such an eye color in my life. His hair was straight brown and short. His scent seems to be familiar to me and my heart beats fast as I'm still gazing at him.

"Watch out Lakona, you almost fell….", he said in a husky voice.

His voice made me shiver and I was on my foot. Puzzled about how he knew my name and why it felt that I'm used to him. This feeling is weird and I'm really sure I haven't met him before. This is our first meet.

"Hey you here", he asked as he pats my head. Back to reality, I was angry.

Don't you dare to touch me and how you knew my name", I glared at him, giving him a warning sign.

In a flash, he grabbed my hips and bring me forward. I can feel the heat of his body and our body nearly touched each other. He came near to me as I can feel his breath on my lips. He smiled and lean towards me.

"We knew each other for a long time and I was waiting for you all these years my love. We were destined and nothing can part us. I really missed you Lakona", he whispers into my ears and kissed my cheek

I opened my eyes and found out the sun is shining brightly towards my face. I was full of sweat and my breath was still heavy. I sat up and looked into the mirror. My face was blushed. The dream was so real, his touch and his voice. He seems familiar to me and the way he touched me, I can sense that it was not lust but pure love. Who is he?

I shut my eyes take a deep breath. Maybe it is just my imagination. Dreams appear if you imagine too much and he must be my fantasy.

I shook my head and went towards to get a cold shower.