The Creature

I stormed forward without ignoring the pain of my ankle. It stings but I took the courage to move forward without noticing him. I don't want him to carry me as I'm still mad at what he did just now.

"hey…!! Wait up!", I could hear his voice but I decided to ignore it.

"You're such a stubborn brat", he added.

I never turn back to look at him as I just keep moving forward. In a second I stood frozen as I realize that I was in the middle of the forest and didn't know which way to head.

"Urgghhh…. I'm not gonna seek for his help", I muttered to myself.

"I heard that", he whispered near my ears which makes me jump back.

I just stared at him as I rolled my eyes away from him shrugging my shoulder.

"Tsk…tsk…. it's going to be hard then", he said as he walked in front of me.

I followed his back silently. He walked fast way ahead of me.