Falling for him

I was running from the wild creature that was chasing me. The vision was blurred when I turned at looked at my back, but I can feel that the creature was chasing me. I'm not sure what the creature was, but it was huge and fast. Tree's were falling apart as the creature crashed into it, while it was chasing me. My breath was heavy and I was in a sweat. I can feel that my legs are tired but yet, I need to keep running from the creature. I don't know where was I heading, as long I escape from that huge monster! I was hoping that I could escape faster from this, as I'm so tired. Hoping there's an end to it. I can't remember how I end up here being chased by this creature. I just remember I was walking in the woods, and I saw a cave, as I decide to go in to see what's in it, and out of a sudden, I'm being chased by this!