The Meeting

We arrived right on the time at Wapasha's place. He was there waiting with his squad. We turn back to our human form once we reach near his territory. I put on our traditional cloak as it's the tradition that we practice in attending a meeting or having an official gathering. As we went near, Wapasha and his squad bow to us, as we bowed back to them as a sign of giving respect.

"How are you Mankato,", Wapasha spread his arms as he came hugging me with his warm gestures.

I hugged him back as I replied to him " Very fine Wapasha….how is everything here?

"Yes, it's fine over here. Shall we?", as Wapasha guided me into his meeting room.

We entered his room together as all the squad and the Alpha were gathered in the meeting.

We sat on a huge round table, as I was sitting right opposite-facing Wapasha.

I saw everyone, as everyone was ready to hear, I voice out to start the discussion.