
Lakona POV:

The smell of tea was very fresh. I was pouring it into the cups for Nana and the others. Breakfast was out today. Their laughter fills the house. I love it when the surrounding is like this. I hope everyone loves the strawberry pie that I made today.

I was staggered for a while. Chatan calls out a name and it made my heart pounce hard. I stood still so that I could eavesdrop on what is going on in the front. My heart beats again after I heard the name again.

Is he here? Did he see my text? Did he reply to me? Did I miss out that his coming?

Questions are popping out of my head. I decide to act normal as I add another cup of tea for him. I took the tray and head to the front. I hope I could act as casual. My eyes were searching for him the moment I was there. Yes! He is here!