Legend is true

My body was trembling. My knees were weak. I fell to the ground. The image of Shappa turning into a werewolf was still shocking for me. I could not just imagine what I saw with my bare eyes.

The fur was dark brown, it was so thick, which covered the whole body of that creature. It had the same color of eyes that belongs to Shappa. Its teeth were sharp and revealing when it sneered at Chatan in anger. It had four muscular paws, where I could sense the muscle was so strong, ready to tear its prey into pieces. I only could recognize it by looking at its eyes.

"What is all the fuss about!!?", Rose came out

She was running towards us. I could her yell from outside of her house. I guess my scream had attracted them. Not only Rose, but even Nana also came towards us.

"Are you okay darling?", Rose held me.

"Your shaking….oh dear!", she added.

My body was still throbbing out of shock.

"What happened guys!!", Nana was almost running towards us.