Luckiest cuckold

following day they both become busy, Tan Chen with her housework while Ben went for the guild.

as a adventurer Ben usually out for town... he is a B rank adventurer.. also a swordsman. he usually do escort jobs and dungeon raiding.

after the break fast Tan Chen washing the dishes, humming sweetly.


her ears twitched, looking at a holographic screen in front of her. she was surprised yet not that surprised.. afterall she just got transmigrated yesterday.. what's more surprising?

<< merging with host's soul...

merging completed.

welcome to the 'Ecchi Domination System'.

name - Tan Chen

age - 20 yrs

HP - 100

bloodline/physics - none

mana - 0

Ecchi Points - 3050

Stats -

strength- 12


agility- 8

vitality- 19

knowledge- 16

endurance- 15

Skills -

heavenly blow(lv3)-

can effect the mind of the man, and make him obey the user.

Shop -

seduction scent (passive)- 1300 EP

host's body would give off a scent with pheromones.(host can choose to activate or deactivate freely)

mind break- 1800 EP

can effect the person's mind to make them obey.. as long as host pleasure them.

basic swordsmanship- 1600 EP

the basic swordsmanship of C-rank.


she looked at the screen with her eyes wide opened. what just happened..

"Ecchi domination system? what the fuck? how did it come to these.. well it's good though.. the swordsmanship might be useful"

she was happy that at least she got a way to become stronger, little did she knew what awaits in future.

after the dishes she went to the bedroom and sat by the window.

"system, buy me the mind break skill."

<< affirmative...>>

<< congratulations host for the first skill purchasing. host is awarded with a free lucky spin, do you want to spin it (yes/no)>>

she looked surprised. "do spin it."

after a few seconds...

<< congratulations host for obtaining lust parameter. host can use this to confirm the arousal state of a person.>>

a slight smile appeared on her face, afterall what can you expect from a bitch? it's not even noon she was getting horny.. she thought she could leave her past behind and can make a new start over but...

she slowly took off her gown, with only bra and panties left on her body.

she slowly slid her fingers through the panties pushing aside."mmmnhhh"

a sweet moan could be heard, she started to fingering herself without caring the people who can watch her through the window.

even they can't fully see her it's not that hard to guess either.

she was very satisfied with this new body, even though it looks the same as the previous, it was young and sensitive.

she was feeling really good just fingering, soon she started to think about the skills..

"hehe.. don't worry husband i will make you the happiest person.. you will fuck every women you desire, i will make you proud of me..."

she mummered while fastening the intensity.."Arghhh..." soon she reached her climax.

"haah haah.. husband you will be the luckiest cuck."

she said before falling on the bed.


following day she woke up afternoon. she went to take a bath. but she heard *knock* *knock*

'mm? who is it? Ben would arrive at evening.'

as she had already finished her bath she dressed up and went to open the door.



as she opens the door she was greeted by a beautiful lady who appeared to be a few years older than her.

"miss Tan Chen, i am here to pass this invitation, inviting Ben and you to come to the City lord's mansion tonight for my daughter's 1st year birthday."

the lady looked graceful yet sweet, she politely handed the invitation letter to Tan Chen.

"thank you miss.."

"oh my.. I haven't introduced myself, my name is Amelia Oslon, nice to meet you."

"nice to meet you too."

Tan Chen bowed politely, feeling slightly jealous of her huge breasts, even as a woman she felt attracted to her.

"well.. miss Amelia please come in"

Tan Chen invited her inside where they both sat on the couch, talking about some women stuffs and Ben.

Ben and her Husband Harry were friends from childhood, Harry used to be a adventure as well... but now he is the City's lord.

"haha.. you are really easy to get along miss Amelia."

as they were chatting happily.. *knock* *knock*

they both looked at the door.

it's already past noon.. who might it be? Tan Chen slowly opened the door.

"oh.. Ben you're home?"

it was Ben he looked really happy, he entered the house, nodding her.

"ah.. Ben, you're home? " Amelia said giving him a surprising smile.

"yeah.. i don't really got any mission today.."

he said staring at the voluptuous figure of Amelia.

she had a slightly bigger pair of breasts than Tan Chen's.

Tan Chen grinned looking her husband's funny expression.

"how come Mrs. Amelia is here today?"

he said diverting his gaze from her mounds.

"here.. i am here to invite you to my daughter's 1st birthday."

she said handing over a invitation letter, which he accepted with a smile.

then she excused herself and prepared to leave, Ben was still checking out her bouncy ass as she walk past the door across the door the her ride.

"ouch* *ouch*" Ben screamed as Tan Chen pinched his waist.

"huh? can't take your eyes off her butt?"she said,

"no.. it's not like-" he was going to say something but cut off.

"i know.. she has a hell out of rack, look at the huge ass.."

she said smiling at him..



at the dining room, they started their meal.. the other one..

Tan Chen was bent over the dining table, as Ben was pounding his rock hard dick inside her..

"anghh..ahhhh so~ good.. moreee"

she was enjoying his rough thrusts, while encouraging him.

unbeknownst to him, she was using her mind break skill.. slowly turning into her slave..

but she didn't use it on her full.. as she didn't wanted a mindless slave as her husband..

she was just influencing his mind a little so he will accept her with other man turning him into a cuck... who enjoys watching their beloved getting ravished.

"ammhh.. dear.. do i look beautiful?" she said while her eyes rolled in pleasure.

"ahh.. yes, honey you are the most beautiful woman I have ever seen. your ASS..ah.. driving me crazy."

"tell me who's better mine or Amelia's?"

"your's my love.."

he said and sped up his pace.

"haah.. mmm.. do-don't you want to see me while getting pounded.."

he was in a dazed state he didn't notice but he started to imagine her getting pounded by others..

it's her skill. she was slowly influencing his thoughts.

'phew.. looks like he didn't noticed much.' she thought before turning her head over and started to mover her hips back meeting his thrusts.

the love making session continued for an hour before he came inside a huge load painting her womb with his cum.


after a while.. it's already night they both are ready to leave for the city lord's daughter's birthday banquet.

Tan Chen wore a black suit, which showed a fair amount of her cleavage, making Ben gulp with anticipation.

"honey how is this?" she asked Ben showing off her dress, which he appreciates.

"Damm hot. i want to eat you here and now." he said getting ready to attack her.

"baby stop~ you will eat as much as you want later~" she said with her lewd voice making him grunt.

after a hour they both left for the banquet, as the city lord already prepared the ride they only have to get on.

it's been a while since they are both in a party, Ben was happy thinking about his hot time with her wife.

they soon reached their destination. Amelia came to greet them and invited inside.

it's the first time Tan Chen entered the city lord's mansion.

she was very impressed, she was planning to move here.. after making the city lord her slave. she found Amelia very interesting and a suitable Whore candidate.

she was planning to make a potential slut army to gather resources and power.

that will include many beautiful and powerful women. she also wanted to give his husband many women possible, if she were to make him a cuckold, she wanted his to be the luckiest cuckold.

[A/N - ah.. sorry friends i forgot to update this chapter i wrote it 2 days ago. well i am gonna write the next chapter.

have a nice lewd session. ]