Chapter 96

"So, seriously now, you're telling me that you just gave away that Lun guy without asking anyone." Reina said. 

Philip's conversation with the witch didn't last long, he was thankful for that. The more it took the more he was sure his nervousness would show through and that alone would cause him to lose instantly. She would see through him and end up losing the deal. Right now though, he was very pleased. He had managed to make her agree to take Mikain away and the price was actually pretty small. She would benefit too of course but it was more of a win for him, Kai and Moonshine. For Lun, well, time would show. 

"She said she knew him, Reina. Come on, I am sure it will be fine. She said no one gets hurt except for Mikain. That is good for us." he told her. The girl rolled her eyes, fixing her glasses afterwards.