Chapter 108

If Kai said he felt comfortable he would be lying. All of them were cramped into his small room, looking at each other with disgusted expressions. Mika and Xan were the stars of the show shooting daggers with their eyes, warning everyone that if they were approached a battle would start. 

This meeting was necessary though. It was a perfect chance for them to find a way and get rid of Mikain. Then a lot of Kai's problems would be solved and that on its own was a very relieving thought. 

They were having small talk at first, talking about this and that, how the three wolves found themselves running away from their own pack and the younger prince looked at Philip with a worried expression. The werewolf felt his eyes on him, turning his head and meeting his small frown. He smiled faintly, taking his hand in his and giving it a small squeeze.

"It's alright." He whispered,barely being heard while everyone else was talking.