"You can't make her do it father, there is no way." That was what Kai had told his father when Aleron had asked him to let him deal with things, he was planning to be the one to talk to his wife, even though Cecilia had no idea he had returned. 

"Believe me Kai, I know my wife very well. She will do it. All I want you to do though is just for tonight to stay in your room. Do not do anything that would anger her and I promise you, tomorrow you will be free." Aleron had told him.

"Why are you doing this?" 

"You are my son, what do you mean why? This is my apology, for not being there and for letting your mother alone deal with things she hated. I will fix this, this time you don't have to worry about it." his father told him with a kind smile, his palm resting on his shoulder.