At first they tried to take Kai with them by force but the prince was not going to let that happen. After he knocked out one of the guards he grabbed another one, pinning him to the wall with furious eyes. No one was going to drag him out there like a criminal, he was going to get out on his own. 

Philip was following close behind, his eyes worried as he looked at his lover. None of the two knew what exactly had happened and as they entered different carriages to get to the palace he was getting more and more anxious. He could see Kai's mask, an expressionless face filled with pride. He wouldn't ask any questions, he didn't want to seem worried, concerned by all of this. The werewolf tapped his foot on the wooden floor of the carriage, agitated as he bit his nails. 

Someone was dead? But who? He couldn't help but wonder and for a second his friends, dead, popped into his mind, there was no way. Reina and Mika would have been fine.