Song of the day: Hurts like hell - Fleurie

Love hurts, the weakness and the awareness that comes from it makes you want to simply disappear. He felt helpless, sitting there waiting for someone to actually give him a way to help him. He was a coward, he knew that already, he had been reminded of it so many times and he hated that part of himself more than anything else but he couldn't do better. No matter how many times he had tried, no matter how hard he tried to make that step something was always keeping him back, something, everytime pulled him back as if he had a rope tied around his waist that stopped him from taking that step further. 

That's why Xan stood in his mother's study silent as he heard her whine about everything. She had papers in front of her, laws sprawled out while she read them again and again trying to find a way to take Kai out of this whole matter while for Lun, she didn't care at all.