Lun was usually very focused, especially when it came to what he considered a job. He was level headed and smart a true strategist. In his line of work no mistakes were allowed after all, a moment of doubt, a small delay, usually insignificant moments could cost him his life. 

The tall vampire though had the bad habit of forgetting all that when it came to the crown prince. When he would look at him, when their eyes would meet and he would witness the doubt, he would instantly wish he wasn't Lun, he wanted to be someone else, someone who didn't have his hands painted red by the blood of many. 

He was aware that Xan loved him, in those rare moments they shared together, alone, secluded from their merciless realities he could see it in his eyes. Those endless skies of crystal blue would look at him as if he was the only man that existed in this world, as if he was the only one his cursed heart beat for.