He ran away, finding himself in an empty corridor away from the melodic sound of the violins, away from the laughter and the dancing and he stood before a window, staring outside and breathing in to catch his breath. 

"It's you." Olivia's voice echoed in the almost empty hallway and he was startled.

"Lady Olivia." he called her and bowed, knowing now how he should behave in front of a woman of the high society. 

"Don't call me that." She said. 

"What do you mean?" 

"Call me Olivia, like you always have. Call me like you used to call me before you decided to run away and ask my father to place you at the barracks of the border so you could be away from me." she said. "Call me how you used to call me before you ran away from me." 

"Things are different now Lady Olivia. We are not kids anymore." Ash said, looking everywhere but her.