"I wonder how many more submarines are going to come ruin my day." James said as he noticed Gandalf sitting behind a dark oak desk in front of him, the only thing James could think to say was,
"Can I pass?"
???"No, you shall not pass." The being says in a ominous tone.
???" Hey man, you started it. Anyways your standard 3 wishes since I may or may not have dropped a sub on you, I mean how was I suppose to know flooding then draining some world above yours would result in an alien sub falling destroying you."
James"I guess thats, well not logical but its something, I suppose, So any limitations on my wishes and who are you?"
Bob" I am Bob, Robs uncle, as for limitations, no wishing for more wishes, and you can keep your memories, also no wishing for a pencil and paper then wish for whatever you write on it."
James"Someone do that last one before I assume?"
Bob"You have no idea how many wishes she asked for, it was insane"
James"So can you look into my computer?"
James"So can I get the powers I wished for on my discord servers?"
Bob" Really, what in the heck is this, I suppose I need a new rule now, I will grant the wish but I will need to nerf you for plot reasons."
James"Sure sure, what are you nerfing?"
Bob"Well your powers will unlock as you grow up, since I don't want a 1 month old with the ability to explode a universe by blinking too hard, you will loose your other 2 wishes, however, I will give you a system but it will only give you training plans and unlock/use your powers if a emergency happens, you do get your own multiverse because of your wishes, so after you become the strongest in your world you will be able to travel to another world and back at anytime, also you will unlock a control panel for the previous world since its technically your world."
James"That doesn't sound too bad as long as I can reincarnated into my 11 year old self a month before hogwarts with my powers already unlocked as much as they can be, of course with immediate emancipation, I don't want dumbelldork on me. As for the timeline, I want to be 3 months older than harry potter born an orphanage."
Bob"Yeah sounds good, now scram, I have to figure out how to set this crap up so that the readers can understand the authors BS power to give you whatever you want through that wish."
James"Lucky me" James mutters out as he fades into a terrifying black hole reminiscent of Azathoths mouth.