The boy whose loved?

(A note of how the conversation will be set up lucius (L) malfoy, draco (D) malfoy, narcissa (N) malfoy, nymphadora (NY) tonks, andromeda (A) tonks, and ted (T) tonks)

Griphook"Welcome, Please take a seat, I will tell you why you're here in a moment, may the tonks family please sit aside for a moment since we will be starting with the malfoys"

A"Very well" andromeda cautiously says before her family sits down quietly to the side, followed by the malfoys sitting in front of james and griphook

L"What do you wan't?"

Griphook"You have been called here due to breach of contract"

L"What contract? And why is that blood traitor and her mudblood spouse and half-blood daughter here, and what of the kid sitting next to you"

Griphook"The tonks family are here for reasons not pertaining to you which will be discussed later, as for the LORD sitting next to me, he is (not giving all the titles away yet) Lord Black"

L"Lord Black? Nonsense thats impossible"

Once lucius finishes his sentence james flashes his lord ring causing everyone james and griphook aside to become flabbergasted, griphook starts to speak to the now irate luscius malfoy before being interrupted by james


"Il take care of it griphook, because you breached your contract between House Black and House Malfoy, as the contract states 50% of your vault and 25% of all other assets now belong to House Black, griphook if you could take care of that as we continue please"

Griphook"Yes my lord" following this griphook quickly tells a goblin to begin the procedures of moving assets, james following up before lucius can get a word in continues with

"Furthermore Narcissa, Has Lucius made any plots against House Black?"

This simple phrase caused Narcissas previously rather lifeless eyes to gain a slight gleam as she tries to respond

N"My Lord–"

L"Don't answer that"

"Unfortunately Lucius, In matters pertaining to House Black and its women, Narcissa is required to answer regardless of what you tell her"

N"My lord, Lucius has been trying to get andromeda, nymphadora, sirius, and bellatrix killed to ensure draco can become Lord Black"

"In light of this news, I Lord Black hereby Nullify the marriage contract between one Narcissa Black and one Lucius Malfoy, further I Lord Black Hereby disown one Draco Lucius Malfoy from the black family removing all rights of succession along with it, So I say, So mote it be, Lumos"

Following this line of events all color drain from Lucius and Dracos face making their already pale face turning them a shade closer to a ghost


"I can, and I did, Narcissa please come here. Lucius, Draco, you may leave now."

Following this armed goblins rush in and escort the remaining malfoys out, turning to the tonks family, james says

"I Lord Black hereby Reinstate Andromeda Tonks Nee Black and Nymphadora Tonks back into the Black family, and offer them all the rights that come with that"

With a magical glow andromeda and nymphadora glow in a faint blue light before feeling like a lost part of them has reconnected, while nymphadora is confused by the new found access to the Black family magic, andromeda leans back in delight

A"Thank you my lord"

"No need to thank me and you can call me james, you are pretty much the last family I have, I do have a request or two, if you would be willing to consider them?"

A"Just ask james"

"First, I am having all the properties under me redone, which should be ready in?" james abruptly ends his sentence before looking at griphook

Griphook"About a week my lord, we had to call in help from other branches of gringotts, though Black manor, and a couple castles only needed the extra wards and are fine to live in now, as you now have a army of house elfs"

"So about a week, I was wondering if you would like to move back in"

A"Me and my husband will have to talk about it, however, I personally would be delighted too, What was the second request?"

"I would like you to help take care of my brother(Im switching it since they about the same age) as we are about the same age, however, he needs some love and care"

A"You have a brother" andromeda says while looking around, finally noticing the long forgotten harry potter

"Yes, meet my brother, Harry James Potter, technically he is also currently my charge as I am his legal guardian"

A"WHAT?! How did you become his legal guardian? Where was he? Why is he in such a condition" andromeda loudly remarks as she appears at the speed of light right next to harry hugging his emaciated form, while he slightly recoils in a fear response

"Well I am currently Lord Black-Potter and lord of a couple other small houses, as for why he is like that, until recently when I took up the Potter Lordship and learned of his existence, he was staying with his abusive aunt"

(The name doesnt axtually make sense when I think about it, but your stuck with it sorry.)

(I gift you probably my longest chapter yet, I also want your power stones, I need the infinity gauntlet and you're gonna be the key to my rule of the universe, or dont give em to me, its just standard practice to ask, if I happen to get to say 45 stones tho, you guys get an extra chapter, so the next time I upload it will be 2 instead of one)