Ooga Booga

Following the rustling of pages Flitwick follows with

F"Good, now win gar dium levi ohhh sa"

James following his instructions having already practiced this a plethora of times does it first time

F"Good, 10 points to raveclaw"

–Time Skip–

Finally finishing his classes, james makes his way to the 3rd floor corridor opening it to find Fluffy

'System, scan it'




Age: Ageless


'Hmm, so im physically more powerful than a cerberus, how fun'


The spell results with fluffy falling dead asleep unable to resist the power behind james and his wand(salazars wand is his default since the others are well too powerful)

Opening the trapdoor beneath fluffy james finds the Devils Snare and decides to try a new spell

"Lux Exitium"

Resulting in a burst of light so strong the devils snare disintegrates into dust allowing james to jump down

(im enjoying just google translating stuff)

Finding the room of keys deciding not to play around in case dumbledore comes james destroys the door with a spell he found in the Emrys vault, the resulting spell in dragon

(googled a random english to dragon tongue converter lol)

"bekiliple virednith" (Destruction something, cant remember)

Which resulted in the door and its surroundings to evaporate when james realizes

'Fuck, Can't I just ask hogwarts to open these doors, Im an idiot, I just destroyed part of my own caslte'

With a long exasperated sigh james continues forward before pointing his wand at the door behind the chess set and says

"Hogwarts, your master asks for this door to open"

As soon as he finishes his sentence the door flings open and all the chess pieces around create a line of procession for james

"Dad gummit, sorry for blowing you up hogwarts"

Going forward james finds the second to last obstacle, the ring of fire, so he uses most powerful spell he can, just in case, still using the basilisk wand

"Vilzriquath" (freeze)

The spell, being more powerful than james thought forgetting he never used it before, causes the entire room, the next room, and the chess room to completely freeze over turning into a Ice cave

'Im a idiot and a half, I really need to learn how to control my magic more'

Deciding to forget his blunder james continues into the chamber seeing the Mirror of Erised, causing a notice from the system

*Notice. Cursed Object attempting to peer into hosts mind, Cursed Object has been decursed

'Well, Im going to just ignore that, system can I absorb the philosopher stone?'

*Answer. Yes, would host like to absorb?

'Yeh, go ahead and absorb it.'

James hearing rapid footsteps and gasps decides its time to go

"Hogwarts, your master would like to be back in his room"

Which resulted in a swirl of magic causing james to diss a pear right before the goat appeared


So Im kinda wanting to skip the more slice of life stuff, like specifically for the harry potter world since constant classes and training will get repetitive, especially since I don't plan for much outside the main things to happen, so I have a question, well I want your opinion on it.


How would you all feel me doing some timeskips to get to main events with the occasional training/class chapter. Now you may ask why I wouldn't put major things in it, well thats because this is the MCs home world technically, so I don't wanna do something that will result in it being fucked too much, the next world depending on which one I choose, well lets just say ima screw it up a lot, the harry potter is mainly a timeskip power building world, so by the time he leaves he will have unlocked some powers making him strong enough to do whatever he wants in the next world.


So my options

Timeskip to next major event

Timeskip all his years at hogwarts then just do a chapter or 2 recap on what he did during those years, then have him go along to the next world so that I can well destroy it, this is the option im personally leaning towards, but I primarily just wanted yalls opinion before I did something drastic.


My reason for this, while I stated some of them, I also realized I have no idea how to the classes but make them interesting without skipping every 5 seconds, I find this is mainly due to 2 things, my writing style and my habit of writing. I write the first word that comes to mind, so I have only very general plans for this fanfic, second my writing style is very much in its infancy, so its not good, If you notice weird transitions and over reliance on the MC talking to others as the content of the chapter, thats why. Im not sure how to describe things coherently and have the mc talk and interact with others. Again im not a good writer.

Anyways those are my options, lmk what you think and Thank you for reading!)