(Im pretty much making sorta filler chapters to give the poll rumination time, but tbh my favorite to write atm is 7ds, as a reader mentioned it would allow the MC to get more acclimated to his demon side, and also allow me to give the MC angelic skills then combine them using samael)
'Alright system, So I wan't all teachers to be offered to work at hogwarts, and all aurors to be offered their previous job, and offer Amelia bones her previous job. As for the new ministry, for now until people branch out and expand into the world, I want the following departs: Department of Enforcement(DMLE), Department of Magical Law(Writes laws to be voted on by the ministry, Department of Nobility(monitors nobles and houses and records them), Department of Guilds(monitors and manages guilds, guilds are like workers unions kinda, so the guild of Wand Makers, that kinda thing), Department of Flora and Fauna(controls over deforestation, over hunting, that kinda stuff), Department of Housing, Department of Citizenship, Department of Education.(lmk if i missed anything important) Finally I want the Minister of Magic who like a president ensures that all the departments are properly functioning. Now for nobility, Only I or a Regent appointed by me can give titles, their are two types of titles. First class which can be inherited and Second Class which only stays with the person the title is given to. Titles award the person with a upgraded vault, a property befitting of the title, a seat in the Council, and a undetermined amount of money. Titles do not award any governing rights over anything. The awarded seat on the council is not automatically passed to an heir whether its First or Second Class, A seat is only passed down in First Class titles when magic judges said heir as worthy of the seat, if it does not then the heir is not given a seat nor the voting power with it. Now for the law stuff, All titles awarded a seat will have one vote, with no cap on the number of titles with a seat given, All department heads of the ministry are given a vote and seat, the minister of magic is given a vote, and a total of 15 official seats each have one vote, the official seat is gained by people voted in by the populace. The Minister of Magic and Director of Enforcement preside over all meetings, the World Will is the tie breaking mediator, and to ensure that the wrong laws arn't implemented I and the World Will are granted the right to veto any law for any reason. Can you set that up system?'
*Notice. Request Complete
'Good, Now onto gringotts, gringotts will be the bank of this world and is sovereign ground that cannot be affected by the ministry, except in cases of fines and punishments which must be agreed upon by both the Goblin King and the Council. For gringotts their is a few types of vaults: Low Security(1 galleon requirement), Medium Security(2,500 Galleon Requirement), High Security(100,000 Galleon Requirement), Noble Vaults(Better than high security, and get better depending on the level of the title), Business Vaults(Vaults optimized for business), Government Vaults(Vaults for ministry departments). These can be combined so you could have a noble business vault, or a business government vault. All inheritance is enforced by magic and recorded and shared between the bank and the ministry when needed, as for gringotts itself, stocks and other investments can be done their, for the goblins, you have a level for each type of vault, so Lvl.3 goblins would work and manage anything up to High Security vaults, with goblins that monitor each level and report to ragnarok the Goblin king and gringotts director. If you could set that up please, system'
*Notice. Request Complete
'Great, system please open a High Security Emperor level nobility vault and transfer all items from all my vaults to it, name the house Kapral, and give it a seat on the council and on the Hogwarts board(il explain in a second). Also transfer all magical items in this world to a vault only I can access at the bottom of gringotts, so I can sort that later'
*Notice. Request Complete
'Good, Good. System, create a Hogwarts Security Council(HSC), the council should be the head of house Kapral, the minister of magic, and the Director of the Depart of Education. The board functions to ensure that the hogwarts staff and headmaster are doing their jobs'
*Notice. Request Fulfilled
'Nice. System for the nobility system, every title has the aforementioned 1st and 2nd class, as for titles in order from lowest to greatest: Knight, Baron, Vis-Count, Earl, Marquess, Margrave, Duke, Arch-Duke, Grand Duke, Grand Prince, King, High-King, Emperor (I can't remember all the female gender equivalents atm, so im not putting them, but someone could say choose to be called a Duke or Dutchess, it doesn't particularly matter what gender that have/choose). Also appoint me as Head of House Kapral since I forgot to mention that.'
*Notice. All actions have been completed as requested, The system has received a feedback report, would host like to hear it?
*Report. Some Muggleborns and children under the age of majority that are magical cannot or do not want to leave a muggle spouse/parent
'Right, that, Offer the same teleportation option to those that know the existence of magic, if they choose to move over then give them magic and create a Adult year group at hogwarts for those that gained magic, also remove the magic of those with children who do not know the existence of magic or have learned about hogwarts.'
*Notice. World Message has been updated.
'Sweet, I think thats it for now'
(A/N thanks for reading! Let me know if I missed anything, Im gonna have to come back and write all this down on another google docs to try and remember it, btw, the house is purely for the MCs future possible family)