
James walking towards the door of baste prison hears the guards standing at the enterance.


Guard 1"Hey Kid, you can't come in here"


Guard 2"Hey, wait, look at his shoulder."


Guard 1"What do you mean look at his shoulder? Wait is that?"


Guard 2"Lets get out of here just in case"


Following that sentence they both try to run away when James says

"[Mammon], you can't get away that easily"


*Notice. Nothing useful has been absorbed from their bodies, souls have been stored.


'Thats a useful function, system, how many souls do I have?'


*Answer. The host currently has 50,000 souls stored.


'Wait, how did I get so many?'


*Answer, Harry Potter does not have a hell or afterlife dimension. Your world also does not have a reincarnation or afterlife system set up. Currently all souls from both worlds are being funneled into your inventory.


'Damn, I totally forgot. System, set up a reincarnation system and heave/hell system. All good souls will spend a number of years in heaven depending on how good they were before being reincarnated, the bad souls will reside in hell either eternally or for a number of years before being reincarnated. Those that are in between will be reincarnated with no heaven or hell. Reincarnation will reset the soul to be entirely blank before being born, all births will be entirely random no matter how good the soul was before death. Also, put all souls I recieved and will receive from harry potter and my world into this new system'


*Notice. Request complete, what would the host like to do with the harry potter universe now that it will have no living beings?


'What do you mean no living beings?'


*Answer. All souls, animal, human, or plant will end up going to your world, meaning the universe will never have another conscious being residing in it


'Ahh, send some of the Elves and dwarfs to the harry potter and have them return the entire world to nature, after that fill the entire universe with Spas, bath houses, entertainment, natural wonders, all that kinda stuff. After that have the major governments claim ownership of parts of the world, and let anyone go and explore or vacation to the world. The governments will pay the workers, but gain all profit from the hotels, restaurants, bath houses, onsens, in the form of tax. Of course some buildings can be left empty for civilians to buy as well'


*Notice. Request has been filled, and notices to the respective parties have also been sent


'Also set up a alliance system, and have the humans, goblins, and elves create an alliance, then they can just add the other kingdoms to the alliance as they find em'


*Notice, Request fulfilled


'Great, now to fuck with ban'


James wandering through the prison in the form of original meliodas, killing all the guards, arrives in front of a solid steel door. Sensing Ban inside he slowly opens the door, walks inside, then closes it behind him




"Hello, Ban"


Ban"Oy cap, whats wrong?"


"You betrayed me, back when we were framed."


Ban"Hey, what the hell do you mean?"


"You snatched my power, now I will return the favor"


'Natura, seal his power'


Ban"Oy, what did ya do to me?"


'Gate of babylon, give me lostvayne'


James, pulling out lostvayne cuts of bans hands


Ban"Oy Oy Oy, why isn't it regrowing? What did you do to me?"


"Now you will live, trapped in here, without any of your powers"


James turns around to leave as Ban just sighs dealing with the blood loss and Meliodas leaving him, before James turns around once more


'Natura, unseal his powers. [Lord of Illusions, Great Red] cancel illusion'


"Hah, you should have seen your face"


Ban"What the hell? Who are you?"


"Don't worry, Meliodas will be here in probably an hour, I am James. I am the king of a few small planets, nothing important"


Ban"How can anyone be the king of a planet consider that small, and as if Id believe you."


"Eh, to each their own"


Ban"Say, how did you seal my powers?"


"Ah right, Its my spear. Natura is a spear made from Yggdrasil and the Sacred Tree, so it naturally has some control of things made from the trees, specifically the fountain of immortality you drank"


Ban"The Sacred tree? Don't lie to me, that whole forest burned down years ago"


"That was then, now is now. It's all back and with a even better tree than before."


Ban"What happened to the body buried there? Tell me now."


"No need to get snappy, her body is currently laying on the tree"


Ban"Thank god"


"You know, I can revive her if you want?"


Ban"You can? Please, I will do anything if you can revive her."


"Yeh, its no big deal, As far as I know, I don't need anything from you at the moment"


James, pulling Elaines body out of his inventory, since it was there the whole time, places it on the ground and says


"[Calamity], [True Resurrection]."


A warm white light envelops Elaines body before dispersing leaving a now breathing Elaine and a Ban who broke his chains silent crying while hugging her body, Elaine looking up starts to cry as well. Once more leaving James in a awkward situation so he decides to stand outside the door until Meliodas and Gang arrive at the prison.


-Skipu Timoo-


"Hiya Meliodas"


Ban"Hey cap"


Meliodas"Hiya James. Hello Ban"


Hawk"Why are they looking at eachother like that?"


Diane"Oh, they arm wrestle every time they meet, always ends up with the surroundings being damaged, come her hawk. Elizabeth will be fine, but we don't want you dying on us."




Hawk screams before jumping into Dianes lap, with Elizabeth to the side who glances at the scene next to her


-One Destroyed Building and a knocked out barber boy later-


Ban"Glad your back Captain"


(Thanks for reading! Hope you enjoy it. Sorry its once again short, and kinda all over the place)