(holy crap. I entirely forgot I gave the MC [Primordial Runes] since that was before I made a google docs for well his status that I update as I add skills and powers).
(also, there is a actual chapter here, not just skill introductions and future things, it is however, at the end of all the shit I put. If you don't wanna read it go ahead and skip to the 7ds part, and just think of it as word count filler, otherwise, it may actually have some use in the future)
(Again, its long, but there is a actual main story chapter at the bottom, so don't leave just because it looks like one of my stupid, give the MC powers things)
'Hey System, now that I have [False Infinity]. Did anything change with [Primordial Runes]?'
*Answer. Skill [Primordial Runes] has been completely unlocked due to hosts skill [False Infinity]. [False Infinity] allows the host to create any runes and runes scheme, easily power them, and have them directly connected to the [Law of Infinity] which ensures they work as long as the host wills them too
'So, technically I could, say, create a ordverse and fill it with life using runes powered by infinity, then absorb it?'
*Answer. Theoretically yes, absorbing a fully working Ordverse would allow the host to gain all concepts, laws, and divinities housed within the Ordverse. Along with many other things, however, due to the sudden massive influx of various primordial and origin energies along with laws. The host's current soul and body would not be able to handle it. The host will require two origin skills to be able to freely absorb a ordverse.
'So what skills would I need?'
*Answer. At the bare minimum the host would need Origin Skill [The Preserver, Vishnu] and Origin Skill [Primordial of Souls and the Dead, Yama]. However this would only ensure the hosts body and soul don't implode. This does not ensure the host doesn't become cripple, loose his mind, or various other things. To ensure the hosts complete survival and ease of absorption host should obtain the following Origin Skills, [The Preserver, Vishnu], [Primordial of Souls and the Dead, Yama]. [The Creator, Brahma], [The Destroyer. Shiva]. The host should also fully evolve the skills, [Cratos], [Demon Form], [Dragon Form], and combine them into one skill, then further evolve that to its limit which is [Great Emperor of Jade, Yuhuang Shangdi]. The combination of Origin Skills, will achieve unification of the hosts body, mind, and soul making them one, further this will also turn the host into a True Immortal which combines Immortality types 3, 5, 8, 9.
'That is, a lot of origin skills. They all seem to be related to Hindu mythology, while excluding the Jade Emperor'
*Answer. The Hindu gods have strong connections to their concepts, meaning their divinity is fused with their respective laws and concepts before being formed into the skill. This allows the host to have a very strong connection to the skill and its respective abilities.
'While thats all good, except for the fact that I have no idea how to obtain any of those, while maybe the admin console'
*Notice. It is not recommended for the host to use the [Admin Console] to gain these powers. Origin Skills are gained naturally through evolution which corresponds with the body and souls ability to handle the weight of the skill.
'Great, even more complicated. I need to find a way to strengthen my soul, maybe the Soul Stone could help. Anyways system, what are those immortality types?'
Type 3- Characters with this can simply regenerate from their wounds. The usefulness of this is all dependent on the user's degree of Regeneration. However, simply having any Regeneration wouldn't inherently classify a character for having this type of immortality. Unless the characters ability allows them to regenerate endlessly, it's a passive ability, doesn't require energy to regenerate, and/or doesn't involve the loss of stamina. At a bare minimum, Characters with Regeneration (Mid) or higher may classify as having this level of immortality, but not inherently. (Gained through skill [Great Emperor of Jade]
Type 5-Characters who exist unbound by conventional life or death, or do not exist at all, and thus cannot be traditionally killed. Typically, abilities such as Existence Erasure are needed to destroy them.(Skill [Yama] along with [Omniruler] free the Host from all laws of death and mortality)
Type 8-Characters with this immortality are incapable of being killed so long as a certain object, artifact, phenomenon, concept or something else exists or is intact, they cannot die during a certain situation or circumstance or for as long as a certain emotion exists towards them or they exist for only one purpose (anymore). If the thing is broken, destroyed, killed or deactivated, the situation ends or the purpose has been fulfilled, the character will either die or become mortal. (gained from title [Omniruler] in conjunction with skills, as long as any of the MCs Ordverses exist, so will the MC)
Type 9-Characters with this immortality typically have their true forms are separate from the realm where they can be killed. For example, a conceptual being doesn't die even if its body, soul, etc. are erased from existence. Usually, these are higher-dimensional forces or characters with a lower-dimensional avatar/manifestation.(gained from culmination of laws, concepts, and divinities)
(Credit to- https://character-stats-and-profiles.fandom.com/wiki/Immortality)
'While, that ensures no matter where I am, I don't have to worry about dying. System, is there a way to negate these immortalities if I needed to in the future?'
*Answer. The system has a locked Inheritance function. Should the Host choose to be a mortal, or anything otherwise that would result in the Host no longer wishing to be Immortal. The system can take all skills, abilities, and powers and revert the host back to a regular mortal. The host always has the option to reclaim his powers at any time up to the hosts eventual demise. After which, the inheritance system would transfer all powers into the system then either choose a successor or move to a successor indicated by the host. The successor will gain the system and will slowly be able to unlock all the powers held by the Host over time. This function also allows the Host to assign a temporary regent of the [Omniruler] until a successor inherits the system and title [Omniruler] gaining command of the hosts Ordverses.
'Good, being immortal is nice, but after trillions of years, heck even a few hundred billion. Life will be extremely boring. Its good to know I won't be trapped with this'
Anyways, onto your regularly scheduled BS (I wanted to explain some things, future skills and the MCs immortality primarily, also to give you a inkling of how the story may end in the future, depends on how I decide to end it but, meh)
Arriving at the edge of a dilapidated town, Meliodas says
Meliodas"Alright guys, lets set up shop"
"Ya don't need to do that"
"There is no living being within the surrounding 50 miles"
Meliodas"So no one lives in that village? Who are those two kids then?"
"You can't tell? I thought you were the demon king"
Meliodas"HEY, I am, and If I'm lacking in anything, it's your fault for choosing me then not giving me the proper powers."
Hawk"He's got ya there"
"Well now that's just rude. Also those kids are Spirit Guides"
Ban"Spirit Guides?"
"They are spirits of the dead, chosen by the Capital of the Dead(CD) to lead those looking for closure and peace to it. Primarily to talk to their dead loved ones, one last time"
Elizabeth"But they're just kids"
"Children, Teens, Adults, Elderly. They all die the same, the CD only chooses those pure of heart to be her guide"
"Ah, the ruler of souls and the dead in this world, is the embodiment of the law of Death, Lord of the Shinigami, Shi-Chan. Otherwise known as death"
Hawk"Only about half of what you said made sense"
"Just think of her as someone that ensures once someone dies, their souls go to the right place"
Hawk"You couldn't have just said that in the beginning?"
"Eh, stuff it pork loin"
Ignoring the talking pig, they continue walking forwards, the spirits sensing James, quickly run to the entrance of the Capital of the Dead, and go inside. After all, the dead can sense James powers over the soul and death, it being on such a large scale too, means that they had every right to be afraid. Seeing them run away Diane says
Diane"They ran away? What did we do?"
"Right, may be my fault."
"Well, I may have a divinity over souls and death, but much stronger than Lady Death herself, even if I hide it from the living, the dead can still sense a portion of it."
Ban"Ha, so you're stronger than I thought huh, we should fight some time!"
"Sure, I will make sure not to beat your A** too bad"
Arriving to the entrance, a kid shaped human comes flying faster than a bullet before impaling ban, as it would seem
"Hey kid, might not wanna do that"
?"what right do you have to tell me, the fairy king, what to do?"
"Probably because you are no longer the fairy king, also Chastiefol, come here"
Following James words, the originally golden headed spear with a wooden shaft turns into its original form, before speeding to James and laying itself in his hand
King"Chastiefol, come here now"
Seeing his spear not responding, King says
King"What did you do?!"
(Thanks for reading! Hope you enjoyed! Sorry it wasn't as much of a main chapter as you all would probably like. Also goal of 100 stones and you get an extra 2 chapters within 3 days of hitting the goal, also thank you for the stones!)