"Simple, I am the new King of Fairy Realm, Yggdrasil, and its inhabitants"
King"How? I am the fairy King, and even if I wasn't my spear shouldn't listen to you!"
"While thats also simple, the sacred tree gave its life for my spear, then gave me its seed. I just happen to have upgraded that seed turning the sacred tree into the world tree. As such anything ever made from the sacred tree has become technically mine."
King"Thats thats thats, THATS IMPOSSIBLE!"
"I mean, it happened, to its obviously possible"
Elaine"You're not even a fairy though?"
Ban"Elaine, im fairly sure he doesn't obey any kind of logic"
"Eh, I obey logic, just not you're logic"
King"Wait, Elaine?"
Elaine"Hello brother"
Ban"Wait thats king?"
"Yep, thats him. In flesh and blood"
Ban"No its not"
King, finally noticing elaine quickly runs over and hugs her, however, the giantess Diane couldn't take it anymore
Diane"King, I remember!"
King"D- D- Diane!"
King switching hug toys from his sister to Diane finally realizes what she says and asks
King"Wait, remember what?"
"What a pain, [Mage God] [True Demonic Emperor], I hereby release Harlequin of the block created by my subordinate."
Once more, a green light envelops king, when said green light finally dissipates it shows the Chunky version of King, hugging Diane's neck with various fluids coming out of his face
Ban"Holy shit it is King"
"I'm going to not look at that, too many things coming out of too many orifices"
Ban"Yeh, lets leave them to their, well that"
The group heading back to the boars hat, encounters a demented person on the way
?"So you're the seven deadly sins"
"Sorry, no soliciting"
Hearing this ban explodes with laughter while everyone but Elizabeth struggles to hold back their laugh
Elizabeth"Whats soliciting?"
"Ahum, its the offer to sell something of yourself to someone else"
Elizabeth"Sell something of yourself?"
Meliodas"its uh, nothing important"
?"Will you shut up? I'm not a prostitute!"
"I mean, you sure?"
?"I am no prostitute, I am a Holy Knight by the name of Guila"
"So a prostitute for the kingdom?"
Guila finally unable to hold herself back points her rapier(heh, and shes not a solicitor, yeh right) at James and says
Guila"Drift Explosion!"
"Full Counter"
James says while pointing Chastiefol at Guilas balls of explosion, however, unlike the original spell, the full counter focuses all her bombs into one ball before sending the large ball at mach 1 towards Guila. Guila, unable to dodge tries to use her sword to stop the ball, however right before it hits she hears
"Chaos Shield" (just realized the MC doesn't really have any defensive skills, aside from Mage god and I guess earth manipulation)
Immediately a ball surrounds the group, the shield being made up of a rainbow of colors swimming all over the shield, however, once that appears the ball also hits Guila
Sfx-https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tUlthCngK9U (totally not minecraft tnt sfx)
The resulting explosion leaves a crater the size of your average middle class home with a shocked Guila covered in blood with her arms well, the stubs, showing them what the inside of a arm looks like. Guila from the pain and while shock of having stubs, becomes unconscious
"Welp, thats that. Probably shouldn't let her die though"
"[Michael], Holy Healing. [Great Red] keep her unconcious"
Guila, quickly covered by a Golden glow, purer than god itself, is also covered by a crimson red glow, as they fade away, what remains is a perfectly intact Guila with her arms, still unconscious though
"Well, back to the boars hat, Ban you mind grabbing her?"
Ban"Yeh, uh sure thing"
–Next bit is for fun, nothing to do with the fanfic-
Suddenly the world freezes as their heading back, leaving a shocked James, and the Tatsumi Usui look alike standing infront of him.
Usui"Oh! Are you a transmigrator like me?"
"Technically yes, how did you get here though?"
Usui"I was hit by a plane, then some tentacle demon thing sent me here"
"HERETIC, how dare you not die by the great Truck-Kun!"
James saying this, completely ignoring the fact that he died to a actual submarine
Usui"Wait, wait, wait. I didn't have a choice!"
"It is a of no matter, you heretic are sentenced to live as a child in BOKU NO PICO!"
Suddenly a black void opens up under Usui and the last thing you can hear before the void closes is
"Heretic deserved it"
Once the heretic was kindly shown out, time restarted leaving a satisfied james and a laughing tentacle demon somewhere in the void
"Right, Where should we go next?"
King"Probably to get their sacred treasures"
He says rather pointedly to Ban, Diane, and Meliodas
"Do we know where any of them are?"
Meliodas"I heard a rumor of a giant hammer in Bernia"
"Well, to Bernia!"
(Thanks for reading! I had something I wanted to both tell and ask you guys, but uh I can't remember so, I hope you enjoyed! Sorry its a bit short too, twas rushed)