
Sasha stood with Benjamin Thornton on the beach at the edge of Alavista. "Are you sure?" she asked as she tucked the Starstone in her pocket.

"Yes," Benjamin replied. "We have to find the Moonstar."

"Couldn't Icas still find you, though?"

"He could. That's why I have to change my name to Ben Barnes." Ben sighed. "I hope we find her."

"We do this on three," Sasha said as she removed the Starstone and held it up to the full moon. The Starstone caught the moon's light and the two rogues were swept away.


Loud blaring noises filled the air. Large machines raced back and forth beneath large structures. "Earth sure is strange?" Sasha yelled at Ben. He looked to see that they were not in Eddeathrian clothing and instead were in a t-shirt and jeans.

Ben nodded. "Where are we?" Sasha shrugged. "We will have to ask someone."

The duo entered a small shop and saw a young girl with dark brown hair sitting at a table. "Excuse me," Sasha said to the girl.

The girl looked up. "Yes?"

"We are a bit lost, could you tell us where we are?"

The girl nodded. "You are in Cincinnati, Ohio."

Ben knew in that instant, he found her. The Moonstar. The one who would save Eddeathra. The one who would avenge Fallon. Yes, she was Edddeathra's last hope.