Saved my life

"You are really strong for a girl," he said as she looked at him sternly then he smiled nervously,

"What do you want I already thanked you?" she asked then he gave her the herb the physician gave to him.

"Herb this will help you get better," he said then she collected it as he stared at her.

"Thank you and stop staring I won't mind taking your head" she replied and he smiled nervously as she walked away and he followed her.

"Damn guy," she said to herself as she started to get irritated.

"Why are you following me?" she asked then he turned away ignoring her and she left jaw drop then folded her cuffs.

"Are you serious?" she asked as she walked towards him with heavy feet and in irritation.

"You are creeping me out, what's wrong with you?" she asked,

"That's no way to talk to royalty" he responded,

'Royalty my foot, do I look like I care about who you are?" she asked,

'Hmm no" he responded then she sighed.

"You are just impossible," she said then walked away and he laughed while looking at her.

"She is something else, maybe I can get her to go home with me," he said to himself with a wicked smile as he got onto his horse then left as she went to the harbor.

Upon arriving there she saw the guy whom she hit in the head with the glass bottle the girl immediately turned away and went in the direction of the prince who was heading back to the castle.

"I am really hungry and it's almost night," she said to herself as she saw the prince buying a drink.

'Not him why do I get into the worst possible situations?" she asked herself then saw a guy from across the street who was holding a knife and wore a mask was looking at the prince.

"What the hell is going on in this place?" she asked herself as she saw another guy and they were all heading towards the prince.

"Ugh this is another trouble maybe I should let him handle this by himself" she said to herself then turned away.

The men that were heading towards the prince thought that he did;t see them but he did through the vendor's mirror and as one of them were about to stab him he took out his sword and slashed him across the chest but the others rushed to him and he tried to fight them off.

"Damn it," she said to herself as she turned around and saw he killed two of them but there were three more of them.

"He is going to get himself killed," she said as a guy was about to stab him from behind but she rushed to him and grabbed the knife by the blade which cut her hand and she grabbed onto him then he turned around with his eyes wide open as he saw she was bleeding.

"I will kill you," the girl said as her eyes started glowing and she broke the guy's wrist and he screamed then she smiled and threw him into a vendor's stall as everyone watched in fear and she looked at the other guys sternly.

'Are you.. are you okay?" the prince asked as she pulled him behind her and looked at him with her eyes glowing then he gasped.

"Wh... what are you?" he asked as the guys rushed to him then she grabbed onto both of their arms and broke it then spun around and kicked them behind their knees breaking them and they fell to the ground bleeding as she looked at them with blood running down her hand.

"Are you okay?" he asked her as a few knights came but the guys were all dead.

"Your highness are you okay?" one of the knights asked,

"I am fine" he responded with a sigh as the girl started to see double and the knights were about to arrest her but he stopped them.

'Leave her be" he said,

'But your highness you don't know her she could be an enemy" the knight replied,

'Enough leave her be" he said then he grabbed onto her hand and she fainted but he caught her.

"You are indeed special," he said to himself then placed her on the horse and took off to the castle.

Upon arriving at the castle he took her off of the horse and took her to his chamber then looked after her hand himself as she was unconscious.

"I don't know you, well not as yet but I want to get to know you, Julia," he said and she grabbed onto his hand as she was having a nightmare.

"She is trembling," he said to himself then he wrapped the bandage around her palm covered her with a blanket as night fell and his parents came home.

The boy then went to the living room to meet his parents, king Raymond and Queen Vanessa.

"Mom, dad good night," he said,

'Good night son" his father replied,

'Good night, what's wrong?" his mother asked as he sat down.

'I brought home a girl" he responded then his mother coughed.

'Finally, you found a girlfriend before I did for you" the queen said.

"'She is not my girlfriend, I found her on the streets, she saved my life" he replied,

"Son, a street girl can never be the next queen only royal blood can, you can help her if you want but do not maintain a relationship with her it's against the rules," his mother said then he laughed.

"Mom relax, I am not having an affair with her, I just want to help her, she needs it" he replied,

"Well if you can then go right ahead but know your limits if she is here let her join us for dinner," his mother said.

"Okay I will be right back and mom I am borrowing one of your dresses for her" he replied then she laughed and he left.