The humming

"I didn't say anything," she said as he looked at her with sharp eyes and she smiled a little.

'You know Julia if you start a fight with me you will lose, I suggest you be careful" he replied.

"I assure you that I can handle myself better than you think, don't underestimate me," she said and he smiled as he walked to her and she stepped back then he winked at her and she left staring at him as he walked away.

"You are one hundred percent a creepy person," she said to herself then went back to doing her work while Daisy's mother hated on her.

"I don't like her," Daisy's mom said.

'She was not wrong, let her be she is new Sarah" the queen replied with a smile.

"Finally someone with the gut to stand up to this woman thinking so highly of herself, hmm," the boy's mother said to herself.

"Don't pamper your maids, they will get out of hand" Sarah replied and the queen sighed.

"You are a little right too," the queen said as she saw rain clouds covering the entire kingdom.

"Seems like it will rain," the queen said.

"Yeah seems that way, let's go inside" Daisy replied and they all went back into the castle and as they did the rain started pouring down.

"Where did the rain clouds come from all of a sudden" Daisy asked as they walked into the living room and sat down.

"Julia" the boy's mother called out and the girl was in the kitchen so she left there and went to the living room.

"Your highness," she said as she came into the living room and bowed as Sarah glared at her.

"Can you bring us some juice?" the queen asked.

'Sure your highness I will be right back" she responded then walked away and the queen saw the way Sarah was looking at the girl and did not like that one bit.

"I know that my son brought this girl here for a reason, he has never done something like this before and if anyone torments her he will lose it, I know his anger and if he loses it then....." the queen said to herself as the girl brought the glasses of juice and served them.

"Thank you," Daisy said as the girl gave her a glass.

"You are welcome" Julia replied as her mother grabbed a glass of juice out of the girl's hand and Julia sighed then walked away.

"If you weren't a queen I would have taught you such a lesson you would have remembered it for the rest of your life, stuck up bitch" Julai said to herself as she went to the kitchen and drank a glass of juice.

"Why are you angry?" one of the maids asked.

"That woman is infuriating" she responded.

"You mean queen Sarah?" the maid asked.

"Yes she aches me" she responded and the girl laughed then handed Julia a cookie and she ate it as she looked at the prince who was talking to some of the other knights.

"Something is really weird about him, why would he trust me over someone he knows longer?" she asked herself as he walked into the kitchen and grabbed a cookie from her.

"That's considered bad manner, idiot' she said and he smiled then she frowned and turned away from him.

"What are you thinking?" he asked and she looked at him.

"Nothing, stop hanging out with us peasants your highness, or the way I see it you are a flirt," she said and he looked at her sharply then walked away and she swallowed deeply after seeing the way he looked at her.

'You have a lot of gut talking to royals like that, the prince is a flirt but everyone likes him" the maid said then patted Julia on the shoulder and they went back to work.

After a long day of work, the girl finally got rest but by then it was already night and she was tired and also very hungry for the queen Sarah had her running about doing a lot of things and she was getting irritated for the queen and her daughter was staying the night at the castle due to the rain.

"Ugh I am tired seems like they will turn me into a slave," Julia said to herself as she sat in the living room and drank some water.

"You good?" the prince asked as he came in with his skin soaked.

"You okay?" she asked.

'Yeah catch you later" he responded then left and the girl frowned as she looked at the lighting passing through the dark sky.

"I wonder when I will be able to return home, I need to prove my innocence," she said to herself then her eyes started glowing red as she looked at herself through the glass door.

"Am I really cursed?" she asked herself as she looked at her glowing hands and started hearing the scream of her parents in her head.

'Ah... what the hell is wrong?" she asked herself as her head started hurting and she fell to the floor on her knees and one of the knights was passing by and he saw her holding onto her head.

"Hello," he said then her eyes widened as she turned in the other direction as her eyes and hand stopped glowing.

"Are you okay?" he asked then she got up and ran past him.

'Hey listen" he said as he went after he but lost her.

'Where did she go?" he asked himself as she went into the back garden where the huge fountain was and sat down by it.

"Mom. dad" she called out as she heard the echo of someone humming and it was coming from the gardens.

"Is someone there?" she asked as she got up and walked around when her feet stomped on something and she felt the vibration through her feet.

'What the hell is that?" she asked as she saw something like a door in the ground.

"A cellar door," she said as she grabbed the handle and opened it only to see a step leading to somewhere.

"The humming is coming from down here," she said to herself as she got in then locked the door behind her and walked down the step scented with peppermint.