A sudden change

"That did hurt, what's the matter with you?" she asked and he laughed.

"You are soft, like a cushion" he responded and she left staring at him with her jaw dropped.

'You are very weird and I don't trust you" she said and he smiled as he took his cape off and her eyes widened as she left starting at him.

He was indeed handsome, his eyes were shimmering green, he had a broad chin, perfect long straight nose, muscular yet slim with broad shoulders and tall.

"What do you think?" he asked and she swallowed deeply.

"You are fine" she responded then sighed.

'Where is Julia? it's been a while" Dasiy said.

"I will go check if she is fine" Ethan replied as he got up and left the dining hall.

'Will you just tell me what you really want and stop beating around the bush?" she asked.

"Straight to the point I get it, you have officially the target of the group of savages is they are called night lords, you need to be careful I am only warning you because I know your worth otherwise I would have been one to kill you" he responded and she scoffed.

"That very.. reassuring," she said and he smiled.

"How are you making that?" he asked.

'I am fine with the world coming after me because I don't intend to lose a fight I will kill to survive if I have to" she responded and his eyes glowed brightly.

"I like that look on your face now, you have accepted your powers even though you don't really know what they are capable of, nice," he said as he leaned in towards her and grabbed her gently by the chin raising her face towards him.

"What do you think you are doing?" she asked as she grabbed onto his wrist moving his hand away from her and he smiled.

'She has gotten quite serious, I have a feeling she really might kill anyone who messes with her big time, my, I should be careful but it's not like I am a threat" he said to himself and she released his hand.

"You are strong," he said and she smiled.

'Yeah and so are you" she replied and he gasped.

"Julia" Ethan called out and she looked at the guy.

"You will be getting a lot of visits, stay alive, my lady," he said then disappeared and she sighed.

'Julia" Ethan called out.

'I am right here" she replied as he came into the hall then sighed.

"Got me a little worried there, this is no time to get lost, come on let's go have breakfast," he said and she smiled as he walked off and she followed him.

"That guy said my lady, what does he mean by that?" Julia asked herself as they walked into the dining hall and as she was about to sit but she slipped her feet on Alre's chair and she was about to fall but he grabbed onto her hand and she jumped then looked at him and sighed as he pulled her up.

"You okay?" he asked and she smiled.

"Thanks" she responded as she sat down.

'You need to stop keeping your head in the clouds" he said and she sighed.

"Sorry" she replied and he looked at her sternly.

'You don't have to apologize either woman" he said and she was about to eat but then saw then he was still holding onto her hand while he was eating and her eyes glowed.

'Your highness" she said and he looked at her.

"What is it?" he asked.

'Can you please let go?" she asked and he released her hand then she continued eating.

A little while after they finished eating Julia wanted to go take a walk for she needed some fresh air due to all the things happening around her she wanted to at least try and figure out her part in them all.

"Your highness I will be going for a walk," she said and Alre looked at her sternly as they left the dining hall.

"I don't think so" he replied.

'Alre let her go" Ethan said and Alre sighed then looked at Julia.

'Fine but be careful" he said and she bowed to him then walked away and he left staring at her while Daisy stared at him.

'Alre is really worried about her, no wait a minute this is something else, he is not worried, what is he up to?" Daisy asked herself.

'I will go with her" Daisy said then Alre smiled as she ran off.

"Julia" she called out as she walked out of the castle and Julia turned around looking at the girl.

"Your highness," she said and Daisy smiled.

"Mind if I tag along?" she asked.

"You- don't need to ask" she responded then walked away and Daisy walked alongside her.

"What do you really think of Alre Julia?" she asked.

"Is it you or your obsession with him asking me?" she asked and Dasiy smiled wickedly.

"You have changed, when you first came you were not a bold person.. nor brave but now.. something has changed you, what is it?" Dasiy asked and Julia scoffed.

"Your highness, realization of how cruel the world is can change a lot of things about a person" she responded.

"I take it you were betrayed," Dasiy said and Julia sighed.

'Not really me, anyways I know how to handle myself now and what to do if someone betrays me and makes the people I love get hurt" she replied.

'Oh, yeah, and what's that?" Daisy asked.

"I will send to hell bottom, I will kill them without thinking twice" she responded and Daisy swallowed deeply as she stared at Julia.

"She is being serious and for some reason, I sense fear of her in myself, she is scary right about now, what's with the sudden change?" Daisy asked herself then downed her head and her eyes glowed red.