New creature

"That's a relief, I thought you hated me," Daisy said and Julia laughed. 

'I hated your attitude not you" she replied and Dasiy coughed and Julia patted her on the head. 

'I can hate people that easily, it seems to be at my disadvantage at times" she said. 

"It happens, look I don't know what happened to you in your life, but you do everything neat like a princess is supposed to, however, it is, you seem to have come from a respectable family, I hope you get what you seek Julia" Daisy replied and Julia looked at her. 

'Is there something bothering you princess?" she asked and Daisy looked at her. 

'Have you heard about scrapers?" she asked. 

'The creatures that kill and with every kill it gets stronger and they leave a shrieking sound?" Julia asked. 

'Yes that one, they are very cruel and I came with the news that one might be here" she responded. 

'You think it' connected to the so-called dark smoke?" Julia asked.