His true side

"I am getting to see different sides of her every day, that is kind of nice in a way, I guess but damn I wonder if she will really go after power, it doesn't seem like something she will do though, well people can change," he said to himself with a sigh. 

"The decorations are nice, what do you think Ethan would want for his birthday?" Julia asked. 

'Ethan likes simple things, he loved a good dessert though, he might be really fit but he loves sweet" Daisy said. 

'Well I guess I will simply make something for him" she said. 

'I will be in the kitchen for the night, will give it to him at 12 am" she replied and Daisy smiled. 

'You are talented" she said. 

"Thanks" Julia replied as her head started hurting. 

"No this again why does this keep happening?" she asked herself with a sigh. 

'You okay?" Daisy asked and Julia smiled.