Not to be blamed

"Where do you think you are going?" she asked as her eyes glowed while she squeezed his neck and he tried to get loose but despite being a great fighter he was no match to her strength. 

"Why do you kill people for fun? for money?" she asked and he smiled then she kept on squeezing him until blood started coming out of his mouth and nose and with the last squeezed she shattered all of his blood vessels then threw him onto the ground and right there he bled to death. 

"Maybe I would have spared you if you didn't smile, killing people for money is just sick," she said as Ash and Ethan came. 

"You killed him?" Ash asked and she tilted her head a little to the right looking at him. 

"Am I wrong?" she asked and he sighed. 

'No you are not wrong Julia, he was a criminal anyway, come on, the guards and servants will get rid of all this mess" he responded and they all went back to Julia's room. 

"You okay?" she asked and Dorious sighed.