Old man's warning

While Alre was eating Julai waited on them with the horses. and when they finished they all came out and packed their things on the horses then got on and Alre looked at JUlai as she rode off and then they rode off after her. 

"Where to next?" Daisy asked. 

'The dessert, it's a few miles from here, I asked around and I won't be stopping unless you guys really need to, otherwise, we will be wasting time and it will be best to reach there by tomorrow morning, " she responded and Daisy smiled. 

'Sounds fine to me" she said and Julia smiled. 

After hours of traveling, Julia started getting a headache due to the sun as they arrived at the entrance to the dessert which was for miles nothing but sand and strong wind. 

'We are here" Julia said and Daisy swallowed deeply as they got off of their horses and looked at the huge hill of orange sand. 

'Are you sure you guys want to carry on?" Julia asked.