No fear

Upon seeing how the two were acting Julia sighed. 

'What's the matter now?" she asked and Abbey grabbed her by the arm then she looked at the girl. 

"What?" Julia asked. 

'How can you think that I won't go even without you asking me?" Abbey asked and Julia sighed as Abbey along with Noah laughed. 

"We will both be going with you," Noah said and she looked at him then scoffed. 

'Are you serious?" she asked. 

'Yeah I am, you can' go on alone, you need our help" he responded and she sighed. 

'Thank you guys" she said and Abbey hugged her. 

'We are all a team though a few others.. well we are short just a few" Abbye said and Julia smiled. 

'Yeah but I think they are better off without me, you know a lot more safer" she replied and Abbey sighed. 

'Thye don't think that way because they all love you, even Alre cares for you even though he acts like a big dummy at times" Abbey said and Julia sighed.