New king

Later that day, after all of the preparations for the ball were completed, everyone went to freshen up and begin getting dressed for the ball because it was almost night, but they all got enough rest during the day, and Julia wanted to get the ball over with because she had no intention of having many conversations with too many royals because she knew they would have a lot of questions for both she and Caiden.

While Julia was getting ready, she noticed her eyes had a green hue mixed in between them and sighed, wondering why it was there, but even she had no answer, though a lot was about to change after the ball.

A while after a lot of the guests had already arrived and the girl finished getting dressed, she left the room and bumped into someone at the hallway. 

"Ouch," she said as she looked up to see Caiden staring at her in his gold and white princely attire.

"I'm sorry," he apologized, and she smiled.